[UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

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was not expecting this, almost completely forgor you could apply with your like 2 hour O5-4 experience
It still counts tho!

+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
-Most people have already said, but very clearly you have an actual passion for RP in the server, you're a friendly and cool person to interact with, the application looks the nice, and god fucking damn you have a portfolio that comes along with it. You sure are dedicated to this shiz

For me there's only 2 things holding this application back. One of them is your experience on the O5/A1 side of things. During your time as OSA I personally didn't notice anything too notable from your OSA character, and for your time as O5, it was very short lasted due to you leaving the community. For O5 applications this would be more than fine, especially with what else you've held, but this is O5-1, so I would've like to of seen some more experience on their side of things. I'm unsure of how differently Ethics acted from O5, but I still think the experience matters.

My second reason is based on something Merrick said:
When you returned a while ago we had a long yap session and it was brought up you didn't want to go for site command again.

When you then mentioned to me you were going to look into this application i brought this back up to you and you gave a pretty valid reason why you decided to alter that original vision.

And this reminded me of something, that being Broda's -1 application.
"Initially I've been against it but due to the current quality of the O5 Council, I feel its more necessary than ever to build it back up to a good quality. The structure of the server at the moment needs a competently strong O5 Council."
(Not copying out the whole thing, but I assume you would know that Broda applied for -1 in an old app while being against it, this is just a quote from it to show that he was against it).

For you this is less so, as you haven't been -1 before, or a O5 for very long, so burnout wouldn't apply, but you originally not wanting to go for -1, then changing your mind upon the position being opened reminded me a bit of this, and I would rather someone passionate about the position hold it, rather than one who is holding it just because someone competent has to.
Could be completely wrong, and you're applying because you changed your mind, but eh idk man I'm just getting deja vu.

Either way you'd prob be a good -1, you're not a huge dumbass and you like RP!
might take some time to adjust but eh who cares you have sauce
and the whole reason i made it leaning towards +/-Neutral is because you made Medical the shortest when describing how to improve RP across DPT's : (
you also didn't mention CI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywho gl stay cool
was not expecting this, almost completely forgor you could apply with your like 2 hour O5-4 experience
It still counts tho!

+Support leaning towards +/-Neutral
-Most people have already said, but very clearly you have an actual passion for RP in the server, you're a friendly and cool person to interact with, the application looks the nice, and god fucking damn you have a portfolio that comes along with it. You sure are dedicated to this shiz

For me there's only 2 things holding this application back. One of them is your experience on the O5/A1 side of things. During your time as OSA I personally didn't notice anything too notable from your OSA character, and for your time as O5, it was very short lasted due to you leaving the community. For O5 applications this would be more than fine, especially with what else you've held, but this is O5-1, so I would've like to of seen some more experience on their side of things. I'm unsure of how differently Ethics acted from O5, but I still think the experience matters.

My second reason is based on something Merrick said:

And this reminded me of something, that being Broda's -1 application.

(Not copying out the whole thing, but I assume you would know that Broda applied for -1 in an old app while being against it, this is just a quote from it to show that he was against it).

For you this is less so, as you haven't been -1 before, or a O5 for very long, so burnout wouldn't apply, but you originally not wanting to go for -1, then changing your mind upon the position being opened reminded me a bit of this, and I would rather someone passionate about the position hold it, rather than one who is holding it just because someone competent has to.
Could be completely wrong, and you're applying because you changed your mind, but eh idk man I'm just getting deja vu.

Either way you'd prob be a good -1, you're not a huge dumbass and you like RP!
might take some time to adjust but eh who cares you have sauce
and the whole reason i made it leaning towards +/-Neutral is because you made Medical the shortest when describing how to improve RP across DPT's : (
you also didn't mention CI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywho gl stay cool

So as you've mentioned the pieces of Merricks response (the other response I want to reply to, along with Grong/Brodas), most of what has been said has repeated here and for sake of sanity and mind and not congesting the thread, I will try do a few points here.

Essentially, my position of not wishing to return to Site Command isn't as simple as a return, or the feel for "I will be the change", going in with that mindset will cause an entire burnout and cause this to turn to a job.

I'll publicly state the reason. Before I was under the understanding that the harassment was due to my elevated position and being in the eye, and thats true. It was. But it was also due to individuals who are no longer welcome within CN that took direct issue with me due to my gender. I believe we're in a very different state now, and I want the role due to my passion for RP and the fact I can see everyone in their positions of O5 and SA, Directors, are perfect for the role but in need of a level of guidance and the want to end a cycle.

As for the experience. I would've loved to have been an O5 for longer, as O5 opens up the potential of limitless RP far more than having to be sneaky and question every choice you make within the committee. I definitely agree that while this does pull me back slightly, I view it that if I did not have Snr. CL5 experience of being a chairman prior, this would be entirely inappropriate.

As for medical, I'll adjust this shortly. I can definitely think of more, but at the end of the day medical roleplay for me is a struggle, and such advice I would seek out from the current DoM Kayla, current O5s who have high interactions and improve this tenfold from a positional perspective.

I like what I am seeing however where is your part for creation of roleplay between SCP and Groups of Interest? Chaos and GOC alike; a new Chief Overseer assignement would mean that we also get opportunities for roleplay with you and your respective groups alike (MTF Alpha-1, Assistants and FCOM as a whole?).
+ / : Neutral
I definitely agree I can add about GOC and Chaos, and my potential for joining RP with yourselves is absolutely limitless and it will be a focus, but to reiterate my perspective about medical above, I would need to consult better informed people. No-one is going to be able to go to this position without a solid set of advice and discussions, and I would love to encourage GOI RP, but I would hate to go back to "there is embassy." This would be something, within the role, I would develop with those of better experience, for example Dennid- the current -4- who was a prior DEA Director is far more informed than myself about GOI's and how to create an experience for yourselves as well!

I hope this clears up all the concerns listed prior.

And to all, thank you for your support overall so far, it is massively appreciated!
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So as you've mentioned the pieces of Merricks response (the other response I want to reply to, along with Grong/Brodas), most of what has been said has repeated here and for sake of sanity and mind and not congesting the thread, I will try do a few points here.

Essentially, my position of not wishing to return to Site Command isn't as simple as a return, or the feel for "I will be the change", going in with that mindset will cause an entire burnout and cause this to turn to a job.

I'll publicly state the reason. Before I was under the understanding that the harassment was due to my elevated position and being in the eye, and thats true. It was. But it was also due to individuals who are no longer welcome within CN that took direct issue with me due to my gender. I believe we're in a very different state now, and I want the role due to my passion for RP and the fact I can see everyone in their positions of O5 and SA, Directors, are perfect for the role but in need of a level of guidance and the want to end a cycle.

As for the experience. I would've loved to have been an O5 for longer, as O5 opens up the potential of limitless RP far more than having to be sneaky and question every choice you make within the committee. I definitely agree that while this does pull me back slightly, I view it that if I did not have Snr. CL5 experience of being a chairman prior, this would be entirely inappropriate.

As for medical, I'll adjust this shortly. I can definitely think of more, but at the end of the day medical roleplay for me is a struggle, and such advice I would seek out from the current DoM Kayla, current O5s who have high interactions and improve this tenfold from a positional perspective.

I definitely agree I can add about GOC and Chaos, and my potential for joining RP with yourselves is absolutely limitless and it will be a focus, but to reiterate my perspective about medical above, I would need to consult better informed people. No-one is going to be able to go to this position without a solid set of advice and discussions, and I would love to encourage GOI RP, but I would hate to go back to "there is embassy." This would be something, within the role, I would develop with those of better experience, for example Dennid- the current -4- who was a prior DEA Director is far more informed than myself about GOI's and how to create an experience for yourselves as well!

I hope this clears up all the concerns listed prior.

And to all, thank you for your support overall so far, it is massively appreciated!
I am waiting, Counselor.
Change to +Support


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
As a first matter, which is mostly just preference.
I prefer when the upper echelons of Site Command are staffed by non-staff, and more importantly non-gms, though I certainly understand the reasons for preferring otherwise.

I think you promise too much. Especially fixing complex issues which you seem to not fully understand the causes of.
At least, the format of your application indicates as such, with it being worded as if you were trying to hype up each individual department, or even pandering to them.
Your application makes the case that a substantial portion of the ongoing issues with the "Roleplay" status of the server originate from lack of trust.

While the Issue is complex and multifaceted, I think the root cause is entirely different.
Roleplaying is actively punished (mechanically and otherwise) and unlikely to be reciprocated, leading to a feedback loop that collectively drains the will of people to roleplay with one another and overall.

There was a version of this reply where i went into exhaustive detail on why I believe this, and why I think your approach will not work, but it ended up far too long winded. To summarise: I dont believe it would do any good, and likely only cause issues when it compounds with the ongoing situation, Ive taken a look at your medical plan and research plan documents and can say with confidence that this will fix nothing.

I struggle to properly understand the points you are attempting to make in your "Contain" and "Protect" sections and cannot gleam any meaning from them. It sounds more like something a Foundation HR worker might say during some mandatory "employee morale" course rather than something actionable that makes sense being said on an OOC application.

I am not familiar with the system you utilized in the past, but yet another grading system for department heads sounds neither helpful nor revolutionary, and If the system works as i understand it to, it may very well make the affected roles even less desirable than they currently are.

You are effectively running this application on the promise of "I will fix roleplay", something I do not believe anyone could currently run on in good faith.
Aside from the Managerial, I am not particularilly intrigued by the passive sides of the roleplay you would do as -1, neither by the character concept and lore.
Either way, best of luck.
As a first matter, which is mostly just preference.
I prefer when the upper echelons of Site Command are staffed by non-staff, and more importantly non-gms, though I certainly understand the reasons for preferring otherwise.

I think you promise too much. Especially fixing complex issues which you seem to not fully understand the causes of.
At least, the format of your application indicates as such, with it being worded as if you were trying to hype up each individual department, or even pandering to them.
Your application makes the case that a substantial portion of the ongoing issues with the "Roleplay" status of the server originate from lack of trust.

While the Issue is complex and multifaceted, I think the root cause is entirely different.
Roleplaying is actively punished (mechanically and otherwise) and unlikely to be reciprocated, leading to a feedback loop that collectively drains the will of people to roleplay with one another and overall.

There was a version of this reply where i went into exhaustive detail on why I believe this, and why I think your approach will not work, but it ended up far too long winded. To summarise: I dont believe it would do any good, and likely only cause issues when it compounds with the ongoing situation, Ive taken a look at your medical plan and research plan documents and can say with confidence that this will fix nothing.

I struggle to properly understand the points you are attempting to make in your "Contain" and "Protect" sections and cannot gleam any meaning from them. It sounds more like something a Foundation HR worker might say during some mandatory "employee morale" course rather than something actionable that makes sense being said on an OOC application.

I am not familiar with the system you utilized in the past, but yet another grading system for department heads sounds neither helpful nor revolutionary, and If the system works as i understand it to, it may very well make the affected roles even less desirable than they currently are.

You are effectively running this application on the promise of "I will fix roleplay", something I do not believe anyone could currently run on in good faith.
Aside from the Managerial, I am not particularilly intrigued by the passive sides of the roleplay you would do as -1, neither by the character concept and lore.
Either way, best of luck.

In terms of pandering, I absolutely see your perspective but it is also the point. People should feel their roles are hyped up. Creativity comes massively from inspiration and encouragement, (as well as other factors) and its intentional to this regard.

I agree its a lot more complex than the way I have portrayed it. We have limiting mechanics, we have parts that will stay, but at the end of the day, we have an absolute iron clad effort from Metro and Yeke (as well as Naffen and Sven deploying it) to assist and bolster roleplay, and at the moment I think that it is a brilliant time to be able to work through each of these intricacies and do the absolute best to untangle them, as realistically I can see the effort being obtainable through working together, rather than against and it is something I am willing to sit down, spend time and assist with from the RP perspective!

At the end of the day, the idea will take time, and its something I've attempted to imply throughout. This change that I want to implement, wont be off of my back alone (as that would literally be impossible)- but instead something that I plan to spearhead should I get the position. It is a lot I agree, but when you think of it as a perspective of having a decent handful of individuals, staff- as well as the fact all of this would be done with direct consult of the current RP leads of each department, this task becomes more and more well... achievable should good organisation apply. Every department is different, and the grading system worked in the situation I was handed. Does that mean that it will be used site wide? No. It is an example of how I have done it before. Some departments may just benefit from reviews, a session with the person in charge on what that department actually is and needs, and then that being kept somewhere for whoever next takes the place. I hope that clears this concern up.

RE: The documents specifically (Medical & Research). I may have phrased this badly for those seeing it. This was something previous that I worked on that unfortunately never came to fruition. The reason they're there is to serve as the ideas baseline if that helps it more understandable. A lot of what I plan to do relies on the community doing the same back, and that is never a guarantee, but in my perspective we have to at least try.

The TDLR of contain and protect, is the idea that while they're equally important as secure, that section itself serves itself as a relay back and forth. At the moment I have found most people when I enter into a piece of roleplay with them, they'll type- they'll check constantly in LOOC, and have fear of roleplay. Protect is, we should be able to protect each others RP, respect it, and encourage one another, something I believe we are gravely short on at the moment, and it isn't the hardest thing to remediate. Contain is about essentially, think of it from a researchers perspective in lore. You'd find a way to keep something in a CC, and it works. You keep that item within a CC, and check-ins for its integrity and make adjustments as the time changes. The same should be said for when a function or way of being for a department is found, it should also be kept at the same with adjustments as times change. I've specifically compared both to the mission statement as goals itself to keep it somewhat on theme, but also because a change in perspective sometimes is beneficial for those involved as it relates to something known. I hope this clears up the intention of those two pieces!

Now, as you can probably guess, I'm terrible for formatting responses (boomer age getting to me), but I'll highlight this line: You are effectively running this application on the promise of "I will fix roleplay", something I do not believe anyone could currently run on in good faith.
I think the intention I was stating was missed. I don't think it is possible for myself to do that, but I think its possible for the collective of strong RP leads to be able to do it with the right kind of guidance and support. I don't think of it in a way of "oh I'm going to set assignments", its, "okay, we've a lot of suffering at the moment, lets brainstorm, lets take this time to hash out the key issues, develop a plan with those best to consult, and get the ball rolling". My application stands more from this point as at the end of the day, not every member of site command needs a huge piece of a storyline issued at once. I believe if my focus is set on assisting, while my mentoring focus approach relies on the other members of Site Command picking up the roleplay- it could work.

I appreciate you taking time to have a look into my lore, I think the concept itself is fun and intentionally slightly open ended, but at the end of the day, say it gets to it, and the RP is limited that I cannot see personally- there is nothing wrong with me switching the character out, and coming up with something new! For now however, I am happy with this concept and look forward to the opportunity of playing it out.

Thank you for going through the application, I appreciate that it is massively long winded, and due to that I may have a lack of clarity in some sections, and better clarity in others. I hope this response while I know quite well you'll happily sit on your verdict- eases a slight bit of understanding to yourself and the potential grounds that could be made with the proper planning.
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James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

Athena is someone who not only has a wealth of experience as you can see from the applications itself, but someone who wants to share that as well for the benefit of Roleplay within the server. That's what makes them an appropriate fit for the position I believe.

Whenever anyone needs any help, Athena is the first person to respond and carve out parts of their day to make sure that you understand. That's the key part, "makes sure that they understand". The amount of pro-activity and development that Athena fosters is quite the spectacle.

A great RP lead, a great teacher and a great person to boot.

Good luck with your application.


Well-known Member
Jun 21, 2024
I may be relatively new to the server in relation to a lot of the members here, but from what I know about you, you are entirely fit for the O5-1 position. Your application shows your dedication to the community, and the absolute wealth of previous experience really shines. Your plans for the server could really bring about a new era of RP, from which everyone benefits, and that is something I believe the server sorely needs.

Best of luck, truly.
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