Recent content by Donny 'Drogon' Bons

  1. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - James Dingle

    +Support One of the best people on this earth and a one of my best mates.
  2. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    <UK> Donny 'Drogon' Bons ECA Application

    What makes me the best candidate for this role! I have been around this community for a long long time and i have gained the experience and the confidence befitting a role such as this and have a strong understanding of the SCP Foundation's ethical guidelines and know the difference between...
  3. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Rip Barney 'Akai' Moody - Leaving

    we all love you barney
  4. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Original Steam login name (your account's first-ever name): ArkRaider123 How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 2 Days 21 Hours 41 Minutes (/time month hours) 1009.6 hours (Based off 1 year achievement time) Age: 20 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom...
  5. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    {UK} Harrison's Captain Application

    +/- Support - Your a good member to NU7 and you do have the combat skills capable to hold a captain role - I have never seen you on GSD - I haven't seen your leadership skills as of yet however i do know you can do what you need to do for people to listen to you - The previous comments on your...
  6. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Accepted (UK) Omega-1 Pac request

    an elaboration would be nice thanks.
  7. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Accepted (UK) Omega-1 Pac request

    I wish to see how it looks nothing like a omega 1 its remaining with the Omega 1 model itself it keeps the camo that omega 1 use, a gas mask that too holds omega 1 camo the only thing that might not hold a omega 1 look may be the hood yet it still matches the aesthetics of omega 1. May you...
  8. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Accepted (UK) Omega-1 Pac request

    [IN CHARACTER INFORMATION] NAME: Donny Bons NICKNAME: 'Drogon' DOB: 15th of April, Year #### COUNTRY OF BIRTH: United Kingdom ALLEGIANCE: Ethics Committee SCP-Foundation RANK: MTF-Omega 1 Lance Corporal INFORMATION KNOWN ABOUT THIS INDIVIDUAL: [Year ####] Commissioned into the...
  9. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Dmitry's Consultant application [UK]

    + SUPPORT - Very active on the SR. Doctor role - Lore is very interesting - Good interactions During my time spent on combat medic i have actively seen Dimitry act in a friendly manner, doing psych evals and being around to learn what is needed for a Consultant.
  10. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Scp-RP UK Moderator App (Donny)

    Original Steam login name (your account's first-ever name): Arkraider123 How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 48 Hours Age: 19 In what country are you located? Uk Time zone: GMT Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Donny 'Drogon' Bons...
  11. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Cain "IrishMann" Morris Internal Affairs Ambassador Application, UK

    - Support I will be giving you a - support due to the following: - I myself have witnessed you almost giving someone a 30 minute arrest timer without performing the correct procedures (not asking for proof, not allowing the arrested to speak). - As far as i'm aware and from also what u have said...
  12. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Uk Daves gsd captain

    Neutral I personally do not remember seeing someone with your name I do however wish you the best of luck
  13. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    [UK] Watcher's application for Security Captain

    I too will be giving you a NEUTRAL as I haven’t had any notable interactions with you However I wish you luck
  14. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    David Mistical Captains Application For... Gensec Captain UK

    +/- Support It seems this will be a running theme as I too have and no interactions with you I like the app but if your not a active player of GSD then it doesn’t seem fair to give you the role
  15. Donny 'Drogon' Bons

    Kaleb's Security Captain Application [UK]

    +Support When I was NU-7 CPT Kaleb was a very successful person, very active and very passionate I haven’t seen you much on GSD if at all so if you truly want this get your ass on GSD ☺️