Recent content by Kamil

  1. Kamil

    Blacklist Amnesty - Kamil

    Your in-game name: Kamil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214446487 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 06/27/2023 Who blacklisted you (if known): Doofy To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted: I was in a server where pictures of...
  2. Kamil

    Kamil's Blacklist Amnesty Appeal

    Your in-game name: Kamil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214446487 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: I believe it was early to mid-2023 To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: I was on a server where people were sending pictures of...
  3. Kamil

    Kamil's Blacklist Amnesty Appeal

    Your in-game name: Kamil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214446487 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: I'm not sure To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: I left the server a few months ago by then, and I got randomly added to a group...
  4. Kamil

    Kamil Blacklist Appeal

    Your in-game name: Kamil Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:214446487 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: I'm not sure To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: I left the server a few months ago by then, and I got randomly added to a group...
  5. Kamil

    Make things like "Meowing" woofing random uwu stuff FAILRP

    +support because Connor could not ?
  6. Kamil


  7. Kamil


  8. Kamil

    el zapso SC application

    Wow I can't believe you aged so quickly! +Support I really want to see this
  9. Kamil

    Denied Revert the Squad and Company System

    This isn't really a case for - or + support but there are both Positives and some silly takes that I'm getting from this thread. Firstly, this is the most important part of all this, the ranks of pvt to sgt are not just "oh you played on war today get promoted" a lot of people are treating this...
  10. Kamil

    Denied Update Hall of Honour

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Update Hall of Honour Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Doesn't miss out a whole campaign iteration and so people can feel cool for being there Possible Negatives of the suggestion (At least 2): Finding the lectures might be a pain...
  11. Kamil

    Kvalax AC Application

    Application Accepted Hello Kvalax, thank you for taking the time to make your AC application. After some discussion with the AC team, we have come to the conclusion that you have what it takes to join high command. Please contact an LTGEN+ to take the following steps in your application...
  12. Kamil

    Denied Add In-game medals

  13. Kamil

    Accepted Christmas theme!!!!!!

    would be very cool on scp too!