Recent content by Lord_Fr3ze

  1. Lord_Fr3ze

    [UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's DoIA Application

    Looks like a good paragraph written here...but uh.....I am currently in a call with you and you did not take the feedback nicely from Herr Kvarkar. Therefore I don't think you can be this position.....
  2. Lord_Fr3ze

    [MRP_Mapper_Application] Alpha rest

    It seems you understand the basics of hammer, but with these given screenshots I can't really make out the finer details, Lighting Preview in Hammer does not fully represent to how lighting is on the actual map. So I'd be nice if you could provide actual screenshots from in-game. And I am not...
  3. Lord_Fr3ze

    I am 6'1

    I'm 100 Hammer Units tall
  4. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied Damage Registration should be Client Side!

    Never trust the client
  5. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied Revert back to the Old HCZ Update until the UK Server gets upgraded

    I'm not sure what people really love about the old HCZ, it is worse in every possible way, and the people here complaining are more than likely just affected by the "nostalgia" as usual, for a version that doesn't have anything good to be used as a valid point to return. The map has nothing to...
  6. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied 106 new dimension

    I just went on and checked all possibilities that can be generated for the minigame, and the exit is always present and the way there is never blocked. So I don't know what to tell you. If people can't find it with abusing chemicals then they seem to just be running into the wrong directions.
  7. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied 106 new dimension

    There's always an exit, you just haven't found it.
  8. Lord_Fr3ze

    Partially Accepted Tesla Sabotage/Breaking

    Teslas don't even target, they just charge up and fire when someone steps near them. We don't have to add a entire room for one hacking box, can just add it near the tesla and done.
  9. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied Trusted Member Role (Prop Spawning)

    Pretty much. We already aim to reduce as many permaprops as possible, to reduce the overall entity count on the server to improve server performance. Having this kind of rule would go against all the optimizations that we introduced. While it's understandable that some people may feel like a...
  10. Lord_Fr3ze

    developer application | Armani

    It is fundamentally important to actually show what you can make. If you look at other accepted programmer applications, you can see that they have posted videos of projects that they started and showed it off as well as the code. Everyone can be saying that they're this and that, but at the end...
  11. Lord_Fr3ze

    Cloak's Departure

    My live reaction upon seeing this thread, this was very hard to read through. I shed so many tears that it filled up the pool next to me (on the left in the picture).
  12. Lord_Fr3ze

    Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

    An EZ Rework would be preferable, that is true. The problem is that almost every department is clumped up in one big area instead of being a bit more spread out, like Administration would be in EZ, Research in LCZ only etc. So if we were to rework the EZ, it would be best if some departments...
  13. Lord_Fr3ze

    Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

    This is a bad change in my eyes. This would only reduce the overall activity in EZ even more and you would essentially have no one left in the EZ resulting it in becoming even more dead than what it is already. Raids would also be even harder than ever because you would just have O1 constantly...
  14. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied IA lighting

    Unless this gets more attention and more people are actually for to change the lighting, then we could do a vote. But until then this seems like a subjective thing. I personally don't find it that bad either and kind of suits it.
  15. Lord_Fr3ze

    Denied Change the Name of the File of the File of the Map when ever an Update happens

    I don't get this one. We already do this? Whenever we update the maps on any of the servers we change the last letter at the end of the map file name. So for example it was rp_site65_civilnetworks_v8c before, and now it's v8d. When a major map update occurs, for example the HCZ update, the...