Recent content by Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

  1. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    [UK] Biscuit's Site Advisor Application

    -Support Became a consultant when medical was at a low point just to use it as a stepping stone for OSA. Resigned a week after he received it... Also a very underdetailed application
  2. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Dutch/Mark's final goodbye

    Idk what you talking abt
  3. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Dutch/Mark's final goodbye

    Hello everyone, With pain in my heart I am going to be leaving the server for a good while. I have resigned from all my current positions because university is currently asking all my free time. It was a hell of a ride I enjoyed the past year and a half and would like to thank some people...
  4. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    [USA] Pyro's 3rd Site Director Application

    Hello this is the UK Site Director. I would like to just tell you that pyro has actually attempted to make contact with us to see if we could get possible policies on the same line as US. I notice he is always very interactive with others and there for I am +Supporting his application
  5. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    [UK] O5-3 'The Tennantite'

    +Support No reason not to
  6. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Denied Add a Secondary E-11 Spawn in LCZ

    This is not possible dev wise. It has something to do with not being able to have 2 spawns or something? (EDIT: Whilest writing this I thought of DEA spawning in garage and inside foundation so I am quite curious actually)
  7. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Accepted Downtime Hacking Alerts Improvement

    It used to be ALL CL3 and the exact location but changing it to all CL3 and not specifying wich one it is could be a good idea
  8. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Denied New Medical Job

    Look I love the medical department, but i believe this has already been suggested before and denied. The only addition it would give is that the cm will have 100 armor besides his bio suit and this is e-11 'Special' thing that makes then unique.
  9. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Ganch's level 2 SA demotion appeal [UK]

    Hello Ganch, I will say my side of the story on this. I have noticed that you like to goof around. This is something that we all do from time to time and small ammounts are fine, but you do not stop goofing around. You do alot of shitposting in discord and in-game your conduct is very poor. As...
  10. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Gustav's GM Application #3 [UK]

    Neutral The application itself is decent and your behaviour ingame has improved quite a bit, but due to the different bans ingame and on discord I do not think it would be a good idea to accept this.
  11. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    [UK] RedMann's GM Application

    +Support After looking at the application I can determine that you would be a good fit. Looking solely at the application you show some knowledge of different SCP's however do be carefull with combative events. These will 9/10 times go not the way you planned it.
  12. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Pending Review IA senior agent

    +Support This would be pretty cool addition and would give the directors a clear view of people wanting to progress inside Internal Affairs
  13. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    Jam's GM Application [UK]

    -Support Hello Jam, Unfortunatly I cannot support your application due to the following: - The press conference would not make any sense as parawatch is a GOI that is alone. It does not have a rank structure. - The MC&D transport sounds good - The Paranormal activity would probally not be good...
  14. Mark Belgrum (Dutch)

    [uk] gales gamemaster app.

    -Support Hello Gale, Unfortunatly the application lacks detail on all the events and they are very short. I feel like your events would disturb roleplay too much for me to support this.