Recent content by Popko

  1. Popko

    Grong's off

    Dang, shame to see you go (even tho i haven't been on the server myself in months ?) I loved our time in A-1 together and am glad to see you've gone far. Take care man o7
  2. Popko

    Otter's taking a break

    o7 Squirtle, sorry I couldnt make that NHU you asked for... I'll get to it eventually
  3. Popko

    Broda signing off o/

    man... sad to see you go. o7 man
  4. Popko

    goodbye all its been a good run (cancelled for now)

    dang, sad to see you go mate. o7 mate
  5. Popko

    Going aboard the Mirage voyage.

    o7 Mirage, it was fun being in E-11 and medical department together. KS-1 was a lovely time.
  6. Popko

    John Nuts's very important goodbye

    o7 man, shame to see you go. take care
  7. Popko

    Goodbye nerds (from the one and only rowday)

    o7 man, take care
  8. Popko

    Baiiii guyssssss!

    o7 take care!
  9. Popko

    [UK] 'Otters' Ethics Committee Member Application [#4]

    +Support Goofy man would make a great ethics member.
  10. Popko

    later nerds

    Damn, shame to see you go... Take care man! o7 You'll be missed
  11. Popko

    Red's Not Yet Goodbye to CN

    o7 man, take care
  12. Popko

    Marco's Farewell

    o7 man, take care and stay safe. It's been a pleasure having you on the server
  13. Popko

    [UK] Dave Frontownic's Consultant App.

    +Support Has previous experience as both Consultant and DoM, will be a good addition to the Medical Leadership Team.
  14. Popko

    Kaz fr fr

    Sad to see ya go man, o7 take care!