Recent content by Sean Hanson

  1. Sean Hanson

    Sean "fearless" Farewell for now

    Alright everyone, it's time for me to pack up my props and noclip out of here. I've had an amazing time playing, creating, and—let’s be honest—probably causing more problems than I solved. But hey, best if we don’t speak too loudly about that. 😉 Big thanks to the moderators, the regulars, and...
  2. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

    Gamemaster Application - Accepted Hello @Mark Belgrum (Dutch) , Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Please make contact an Event Team Supervisor to...
  3. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Madman

    Appeal Denied Hi Madman, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. So, you, Kayla, and I had a conversation about this incident, and you mentioned that the US doesn't enforce these kinds of bans/warnings as frequently (since you're a US player). However, even if they don't enforce...
  4. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Lily Zephyran

    Application Accepted Hi @Vxnt Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application. After a discussion, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations. Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to continue with an interview.
  5. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application #2 - Jax

    Application Accepted Hi @jax , Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application. After a discussion, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations. Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to continue with an interview.
  6. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

    Gamemaster Application - Denied Hello @Mark Belgrum (Dutch) , Unfortunately having discussed your application and history with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit for the Gamemaster team. For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish...
  7. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Saint

    Application Accepted Hi Saint, Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application. After a discussion, we have decided to accept your application, congratulations. Please contact an Event Team Supervisor to continue with an interview.
  8. Sean Hanson

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - James 'Critical' Krane

    +Support In my honest opinion, James was the best event team lead the event team ever had. If he does as good a job as he did on SCP-RP, he will do really great on MRP. I agree with everything Blue said aswell
  9. Sean Hanson

    bye bye connectie wectie

    No goodbye to your Old Supervisor. this is a sad day indeed. anyways have a good one mate will miss ya
  10. Sean Hanson

    Badge Flex Thread

    i have nothing to prove
  11. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Biggle

    Appeal Accepted Hi Biggle, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After having a chat with Wrath about what happened, we understand you had a good reason for leaving in the middle of an RP situation. Therefore, I will be unbanning you for now. However, in the future, please make...
  12. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Unicorn

    Appeal Denied Hi Unicorn Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. Seeing as the ban has Expired no more action can happen here. feel free to make a Staff Complaint if you Believe there is a need
  13. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - fet krep

    Appeal Denied Hi Vladimer, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. Your Ban Has already Expired. Good day -Sean
  14. Sean Hanson

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Sean "Walker" Spencany

    Appeal Accepted Hi Sean, Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal. After having a chat with Appo about the incident, I am willing to unban you. But if you do receive another NITRP ban before this month is over, The 3 remaining days will be added to the said NITRP ban With the Original...