Recent content by Snow

  1. Snow

    Accepted Add a broom for d-class

  2. Snow

    Denied [SCP-RP] MC&D Complete Overhaul / Regimental Group { Donator Only - Possible Tiers for $ Amount Spent }

    you completely failed to represent what MC&D is and with this insane prices this will never be accepted
  3. Snow

    Accepted MC&D Suggestion

    -support let mcnd cook
  4. Snow

    Denied [UK] Perma gun addition suggestion

    qbz isnt that op it has same TTK like ARX and VHS what are you guys on about and make it 1k vpoints
  5. Snow

    Denied Revitalisation of Surface RP

    -support this suggestion entirely missed the point of surface rp
  6. Snow

    Denied Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing Part 1: Nu-7 Loadout Changes

    I love the title "Surface Combat/RP Rebalancing..." nothing in here rebalances/improves any rp :skull: -support
  7. Snow

    Denied New CI Ranks

    -support we have sierra 7 to fix this issue (UK)
  8. Snow

    Denied Combat Medic Specialist job addition

    -support a combat medic with fucking ammo and armour refillers and a medic drone my man is playing some type of apex legends or what. It would make much more sense for nu7/GOC/CI to have similiar job
  9. Snow

    Denied Witcher Gates

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Witcher Gates Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Don't think so if I am wrong correct me Possible Positives of the suggestion...
  10. Snow

    Removal of Staff Ruling regarding Rule 4.03

    nah all +supports here are just people that lost their "killing innocent d class" dopamine anyways neutral
  11. Snow

    Accepted Buff suppressors

    +support damage debuff should be removed, as there is no proven data that suppressor reduce any lethality of the gun it self. Performance is the same if not even better with silencers
  12. Snow

    Soy Suggestion on Weapons

    I see people that complain miss the difference between gaminglight and CN. Gaminglight gave PERMA WEAPONS TO EVERYCLASS inlcuding D CLASS. This server doesn't. Gaminglight was TDM server nothing else as there were classes with fucking 200hp and 300 armour for no fucking reason on this server...