Recent content by TheSCPAddict001

  1. TheSCPAddict001

    Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy's Resignation Appeal

    Hello Kayla! Let me just clear some parts of this review (mainly the -support parts) and address what was said in this support response (sorry for the late reply, i wasn't going to address your review however I felt I should clarify a few things), First of all, let me thank you for inputting...
  2. TheSCPAddict001

    Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy's Resignation Appeal

    To be completely honest, yes, you have a point, if in some cases I took an SCP-096 sit when there were other staff online and seemed like I was farming reqs or something, I apologise deeply. My intentions were not to farm requirements, I was simply only trying to help, however it was my...
  3. TheSCPAddict001

    Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy's Resignation Appeal

    my !time shows nothing due to me being absent from the game for the past few months due to irl issues as well as a bad sickness 😥 however i promise that i can be much more active now that i have more time for the server
  4. TheSCPAddict001

    Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy's Resignation Appeal

    Name: Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:613015691 Previous Rank: Senior Moderator Date of resignation?: Around half a year ago (cant find a date so this is a very rough estimate) Why did you resign?: I resigned due to being burned out of staff as well as moving on to do other things...
  5. TheSCPAddict001

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Noobus The Noob

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: Noobus The Noob Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:613015691 Discord Username: noobusmcnoob Age: 15 What's your current playtime: Over a year Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: 'Dawn' Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy 'Dusk'...
  6. TheSCPAddict001

    Goodbye everyone D:

    Hello everyone. I'm going to make this quite short because I don't have much to say here, although all that I can say first is thank you. Thank you for the amazing time in this community that I had with you all, and maybe the amazing times I will have when I come back. You all have not only...
  7. TheSCPAddict001

    [UK] Cheese's SCP-22415 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:613015691 Discord name: noobusmcnoob For how long have you played on CN SCP: Around a year Age: 15 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Biggy 'Cheese' Timmyy Civilian name: Big 'The Cheese' Tim What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or...
  8. TheSCPAddict001

    [UK] Fuze's ECA application

    Erm, it's spelled "cupcake" ackshually!!!1 ?? + Support
  9. TheSCPAddict001

    Assistant Application [UK]

    - support reasons explained above (also never seen you around ever, so)
  10. TheSCPAddict001

    [UK] Dennid's Ethics Assistant Application #2

    +support my man has former experience and is dennid, good luck brother o7
  11. TheSCPAddict001

    [UK] 'Cheese' 2nd ECA Application

    Note: I'll use colours and formatting for the next application I make, thanks for the feedback. :)
  12. TheSCPAddict001

    [UK] 'Cheese' 2nd ECA Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:613015691 Discord name: noobusmcnoob For how long have you played on CG SCP: If you don't want to look it up, this is around 1.6 months, or 6.4 weeks. However, I think it might be over a year due to me having clips of the server when I joined being a year ago, and Garry's Mod...