Recent content by Vollgas

  1. Vollgas

    [UK] Moshi's Staff Resignation Appeal

    Since I've played a couple of times in the last weeks, and both times I've met @'Moshi' Danin Brooks, I think I've seen enough to judge. +Support. His time as a community member and his previous time as a staff member have proven that he's more than capable. Best of luck.
  2. Vollgas

    [UK] Scotsman Resignation Appeal

    Scotsman is undeniably one of the best staff members this community has ever had. +Support.
  3. Vollgas

    [UK] The lag is affecting everyones RP

    As much as there's no real solution as of right now (as Yeke pointed out) that wouldn't involve something crazy like reducing the max players in the server or removing some content, it's a good thing that the community keeps bringing it up. NL Cannot listen to every user individually, as CN...
  4. Vollgas


    So real
  5. Vollgas

    LittleMsStupid's Artist Developer Application

    Ok, here goes my honest take. I'll make it as respectful as possible, since I am not trying to troll or have a "piss take". If you want to do erotic art that is perfectly fine, you should not be judged because of it by any means; your private life is yours and yours only. However, the moment...
  6. Vollgas

    Jimmy Swan [SCP-RP UK]

    Jeremiah Swamp
  7. Vollgas

    anyone willing to help out with the pac3 system?
  8. Vollgas

    Opinion on Goulash

    Goulash is fantastic, nevertheless, if I had to choose a single Hungarian dish as the best it wouldn't be it. Solid 8.75/10.
  9. Vollgas

    Bye-bye, thank you for everything!

    Jesus, I did miss a lot of important people on the farewell, like @Alex Bones who let me into the GM team, @Renolk who I framed for singing Estonian wartime songs, @François "Frnquis" who has been an amazing mentee within the GM team, @Nightcrawler, who is a potato farmer... But like I said...
  10. Vollgas

    Bye-bye, thank you for everything!

    @Yeke - The first buddy I made on the server, probably the best times I ever spent in the community were with you. Best of luck mate. @Big Mike - OG Ambassador, a very cool person too. @ionboy64 , @Naffen , @Scotsman , @Serrt , @RedBubble55 , and @Jack Kincaid - I will never get tired of...
  11. Vollgas

    [UK] James Overscott's Director of Research Application

    +Support Brilliant Executive researcher, should become DoR without a doubt.
  12. Vollgas

    Denied Peoples Usernames

    -Support Imagine someone breaks the rules (FailRP, scamming, FearRP... The kind of things that don't show up in logs), and you can't even report it because you don't know who it was.
  13. Vollgas


    Bro ain't the sharpest
  14. Vollgas

    There is no lag in civil network

    There is no lag in civil network
  15. Vollgas

    [UK] Kurt Gunsche ECA application

    -Support 2 warns and 2 bans that are less than a month old