Recent content by Yukiri

  1. Yukiri

    [USA] Yukiri's Resignation Appeal

    Name: Yukiri Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:547527872 Previous Rank: Sr Mod Date of resignation?: 12/24/2022 Why did you resign? I was getting burnt out from the server from being staff while hold 2 CL4 positions (DoM & ECA) it started to feel like a job and lost the fun aspect of it. I was going through...
  2. Yukiri

    Denied VKeycard Rework

  3. Yukiri

    [USA] Yukiri's Consultant App

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:547527872 Discord name: Yukiri. For how long have you played on CG SCP: 42 days (about 1000+ hours) Age: 24 In what country are you located?: America Time zone: Mountain Time Character name(s): Yukiri "Naoru" Civilian name: Yukiri "Oni" What server are you applying for...
  4. Yukiri

    Yukiri ECA application [USA]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:547527872 Discord name: Mrbutt#1773 For how long have you played on CG SCP: 800+ hours Age: 23 In what country are you located?: United States Time zone: Mountain time (MST) Character name(s): Yukiri "Naoru" Civilian name: Yukiri "Oni" What server are you applying for...
  5. Yukiri

    [USA] Dan McCarthy's Chief of Medicine Application

    Application accepted Hey Dan Please meet me in game -Yukiri
  6. Yukiri

    [US] James "Baker" Moderation Application

    +Support +Good App +Holds a number of positions on the server +Has pervious staff experience +/- Not a lot of in game interactions
  7. Yukiri

    [SCP-RP USA] Teel's Chief of Medicine Application #2

    Application accepted Hey Teel Please meet me in game -Yukiri
  8. Yukiri

    [USA] CoM Calliope application

    Application accepted Hey calliope Please meet me in game -Yukiri
  9. Yukiri

    [USA] Éléanor's Chief of medicine Application

    Application accepted Hey Éléanor Please meet me or broham in game -Yukiri
  10. Yukiri

    [USA] Quqks chief of medicine application

    Application denied Hey "Onion" Thank you for your interest in the medical department, but unfortunately at this time all the slots are taken up. You may reapply when a spot opens. -Yukiri
  11. Yukiri

    Cob's LTAP ban

    @Cobweb I don't know anything about NVidia GeForce and their game sessions but the way you stated it was that I'm going to be leaving, I said wait a minute so I can give you the warnings and then you left right after. I do apologize but I followed the protocol and gave you 10 minutes to come...
  12. Yukiri

    [USA] Chief of Medicine Application

    Application denied Hey fitzrel Thank you for your interest in the medical department, but unfortunately at this time all the slots are taken up. You may reapply when a spot opens. -Yukiri
  13. Yukiri


    I felt like bringing you to begin with wasn't unnecessary. I brought you cause some people could find it offense. I feel like I speak for all of us on the staff team; we want to keep SCP RP a safe place where you can play without seeing stuff that could offend you. -Yukiri
  14. Yukiri

    [US] blakestermaster's Moderator Application

    -/+ neutral -/+ no in game interaction -/+ No staff experience + decent amount of hours
  15. Yukiri

    [USA] Mr Bones - Moderator Application

    +support +active +Good in game interaction -/+ has warning