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  1. Cain_Morris13

    Zenith's #2 DoIA Application [UK]

    I dont know my own opinion on this tbh but I will say that you are a good lad and have ideas but you still need to wait in my opinion
  2. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Chief of Security Application. Grog "Houseplant" [Classified]

    This guy is disgusting. I am not saying this just for fun or being overdramatic, what this guy did to get banned on discord and ingame for only 2 weeks is ridiculous, honestly for something like this it should be a blacklist from the server and discord. It is seriously fucking disturbing. Save...
  3. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Chief of Security Application. Grog "Houseplant" [Classified]

    Can we get a screenshot of ALL your warns aswell, only showing some in that ss
  4. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Chief of Security Application. Grog "Houseplant" [Classified]

    The last time I saw this guy he was a massive minge, breaking rules just cause he didnt want to roleplay or do something, by either fearRPing or RDMing, so I am leaving a massive -support
  5. Cain_Morris13

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

    I'm 13 cuh
  6. Cain_Morris13

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

    Why the purple t (thank you)
  7. Cain_Morris13

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

  8. Cain_Morris13

    Executive Researcher Role [UK]

    MAJOR -SUPPORT -Applying because you want a new job? -Sampling tests are not good enough for exec -Bad app -bad RP storyline look at other apps to get an idea of what you need to write
  9. Cain_Morris13

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

    Vtime monthly: Weekly Vtime: - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: Holding: CI-A x2 IA Agent E-11 CPL x2 DEA Agent: GOC-PVT CI-A IA Ambassador E-11 LT - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - What makes you the best...
  10. Cain_Morris13

    Cain Morris's OSA Application #1 [UK]

    Monthly Vtime: Weekly Vtime: - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Held: Holding: E-11 CPL x2 IA Agent CI-A x2 IA Ambassador GOC-PVT E-11 LT CI-A DEA Agent - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: - What makes you the best...
  11. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    Yea, I dont remember that incedent can you please show the clip?
  12. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    Hey everyone, just here to say thank you for the responses but for anyone else who wants to reply please include you opinion on the app itself so I know if I need to improve on it, thank you!
  13. Cain_Morris13

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    at no point did I argue with them in either of the clips.