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  1. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Restraining orders almost never get authorized or made but if they are asked to be made, they go through IA anyway lmao.
  2. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    I think you misunderstand what I mean by strip binds. I'm saying I think it's stupid to press a button and suddenly within a span of a second, you lose everything but your clothes. I am not talking about panic buttons at all.
  3. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    The amount of restraint I need to not do this is immense.
  4. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Not replying to anymore comments that are about "IA are non-combative and therefore don't need an armory" or "Just go to security sector" because they are not only already addressed repeatedly, but are just bad takes in general. Play IA without perma weapons for a week and then you'll change...
  5. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    It's not only a staff issue if they do, it's also an IC issue.
  6. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Alright, so remove DEA armory then ;).
  7. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    But that's what i'm saying! We need an armory so we can actually use these weapons every life without running a mile to SS to retrieve them! RGP-5 and ACR don't even make a dent into the perma weapon meta but it's quite literally the only decent options we have outside of spending money.
  8. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    I think neither department would appreciate that change. DEA have made it clear IA has been removed from using it so the idea of us sharing one I think just wouldn't be good for either party involved. It'd be super crowded in a tiny room like that anyway assuming it is built the way the GSD...
  9. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Pretty powerful rifles is wild. I'm sorry but armory weapons are NOT that good, infact, they are probably the more lackluster guns. People who don't have permas are restricted to using armory weapons in which only i'd say 3 are decent. RGP-5, ACR, and Nova are pretty much the only viable guns in...
  10. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    I very much doubt DEA would appreciate sharing an Armory with us.
  11. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Dude, this is the most frustrating take ever. Everyone gets an armory and suddenly they're playing the "Just use X's armory" game.
  12. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    I can speak for all of IA when I say: No one wants to spend 2-3 minutes every life running to security sector for a decent firearm, and armor. That trip is especially hard during a blackout or code 4 emergency. You may be fine with IA spawning with 100 armor and ammo with nothing else, but we...
  13. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    Again, Medbay armory is restricted. Actually, it's a lot less restricted than yours. Regardless, we cannot use it. I respect DoM's decision and thus I respect DEA leadership's decision. IA deserves their own armory
  14. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    We'd love to, but DEA doesn't give us access at all. Not even jabbing at DEA leadership because frankly, DEA offices is crowded as is and IA being there is too many people to deal with.
  15. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    IA doesn't have to be combative to have an Armory. We need guns to make arrests and can be combative as long as we don't actively seek GOI's or SCP's. We still need armor, still need night-vision, still need scramblers, we deserve all the same equipment as the other departments and us simply...
  16. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Give Internal Affairs an Armory

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Copy External Affair's office layout and replace the small CL 4 coded room (isn't used ever) with an Armory for Internal Affairs to use. All sensitive documents will be moved from the old room into Directors offices. Has something similar been...
  17. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

    You can't strip if the person isn't under fear rp I.E more guns on them or detained. I don't understand how it's a race to whoever hits the bind first. Deep Covers can still fearrp and restrain, the "meta" would probably be make your bind take comms and then type out headcam and then suicide...
  18. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Rule Suggestion Get rid off Staff Ruling 4.01 or rewrite it to make sense

    That's why I said I agree, they shouldn't be KOS past airlock if they're compliant. If they had a work permit out and die though, that's on them for not holding it out.
  19. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Accepted AFK while making a document issue

    +Support If there is a way to make it so as long as they are actively typing in the clipboard to eliminate afk abuse, that'd be great. Regardless, I support anyway, staff can deal with the researchers and IA who afk with clipboards out to circumnavigate the kick. Quality of life for the...
  20. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Zyon "Orca" Gordon DoM Application

    +Massive Support Most Active out of all the other applicants Good CL 4, ready for Sr CL 4 role Professional, and I've personally seen new Doctors and Sr Doctors she's trained to be drastically better than previous Doctors and Sr Doctors. Orca is the most active Consultant I see, she's always...