Rule Suggestion Disallow instant strip binds or limit strip binds to one item

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
You will no longer be able to hit a bind key to strip everything from someone in a matter of 2 seconds.

If the change is too drastic or many simply don't like the idea, I think limiting a strip bind to one item would be fine, and then you'd have to manually type the other items you'd like stripped.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No idea

Possible Positives of the suggestion:
Makes sense RP wise since you wouldn't be able to just take every item from someone within a span of a second

Now it will actually take considerable effort to strip items since you'll have to manually type exact items you want to be stripped.

Makes it less confusing for players who don't understand the strip mechanic since people won't be including things that cannot actually be stripped I.E cyanide, weapons, keycards, etc. This is because no one will specifically type in these items since it'll be a waste of time since they can't actually strip those items.

Would allow multiple people to strip one person at once, each would be asked to strip a specific item so that the detainee would still lose all their equipment anyway.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People who type slow will be at a major disadvantage

This could drastically mess with how pvp works in the server and would have to be tested beforehand.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The suggestion should be accepted because it not only makes sense, but it makes stripping equipment would now require a team effort if you wanted someone to lose everything.


Well-known Member
Nov 13, 2022

+/- Neutral

On one hand no more instant strip which is extremely annoying, on the other hand strip swep like everyone else mentioned

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
Okay, the major problem with this suggestion is panic keybinds. The reason most people (or from my experience in UK CI) do bind strips is because whoever hits their bind first, loses. Panic binds can still be hit while under FearRP, as of course they're panic buttons.

This puts deep covers and DIA trying to kidnap players at a major disadvantage, which heavily affects the rules there.
Right now it's as simple as whoever hits their bind first wins, however this new change could cause a lot of moderation drama.

TL;DR: Good for RP, bad for PVP.

-SUPPORT (leaning to neutral)
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Okay, the major problem with this suggestion is panic keybinds. The reason most people (or from my experience in UK CI) do bind strips is because whoever hits their bind first, loses. Panic binds can still be hit while under FearRP, as of course they're panic buttons.

This puts deep covers and DIA trying to kidnap players at a major disadvantage, which heavily affects the rules there.
Right now it's as simple as whoever hits their bind first wins, however this new change could cause a lot of moderation drama.

TL;DR: Good for RP, bad for PVP.

-SUPPORT (leaning to neutral)
You can't strip if the person isn't under fear rp I.E more guns on them or detained. I don't understand how it's a race to whoever hits the bind first.

Deep Covers can still fearrp and restrain, the "meta" would probably be make your bind take comms and then type out headcam and then suicide devices such as bleach.

I think this is perfectly reasonable

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
Deep Covers can still fearrp and restrain, the "meta" would probably be make your bind take comms and then type out headcam and then suicide devices such as bleach.

This is confusing.
What I said was that even if you use FearRP, FearRP doesn't apply to panic buttons, because they're panic buttons, you press them as soon as you think you're in danger without thinking (e.g. valuing your life, as you don't evaluate the situation fully).

This means that even if you FearRP and restrain them, they will hit their panic buttons, which is why we do comm removal binds. Otherwise (if you're deepcover) your cover will be completely blown.
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This is confusing.
What I said was that even if you use FearRP, FearRP doesn't apply to panic buttons, because they're panic buttons, you press them as soon as you think you're in danger without thinking (e.g. valuing your life, as you don't evaluate the situation fully).

This means that even if you FearRP and restrain them, they will hit their panic buttons, which is why we do comm removal binds. Otherwise (if you're deepcover) your cover will be completely blown.
I think you misunderstand what I mean by strip binds. I'm saying I think it's stupid to press a button and suddenly within a span of a second, you lose everything but your clothes. I am not talking about panic buttons at all.


Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2023

The only thing you can take away *now* is communications. Cyanide can't be stolen/stripped and only stopped by a gag. Weapons need to be used with a weapon checker (else its powergaming)

Stripping head cam would be nice.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023

The only thing you can take away *now* is communications. Cyanide can't be stolen/stripped and only stopped by a gag. Weapons need to be used with a weapon checker (else its powergaming)

Stripping head cam would be nice.
On UK server at least, weapon stripping via binds is currently seen by staff as allowed, to my knowledge.
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
I think you misunderstand what I mean by strip binds. I'm saying I think it's stupid to press a button and suddenly within a span of a second, you lose everything but your clothes. I am not talking about panic buttons at all.
Thing is I am talking about panic buttons. The problem with removing strip binds would be that panic buttons would become OP :alien:
Thing is I am talking about panic buttons. The problem with removing strip binds would be that panic buttons would become OP :alien:
Panic buttons are an entirely different can of worms I don't wish to open. I think a simple "Panic! Im being kidnapped!" is fine, and panic buttons such as "I'm being kidnapped by CI! Go to 035 and rescue me!" is not fine.

I don't really see how that factors in here though
Panic buttons are an entirely different can of worms I don't wish to open. I think a simple "Panic! Im being kidnapped!" is fine, and panic buttons such as "I'm being kidnapped by CI! Go to 035 and rescue me!" is not fine.

I don't really see how that factors in here though
if someone has a bind for every specific place in the Foundation and is able to memorise each bind I wouldn’t even be mad that they panic buttoned tbh
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