Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Combat score sniper jobs

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. We agree that the job is unusead and have attempted to encourage it's use by reducing the combat score cost to 800 from 1000
  2. Brian Bell

    Denied Change to previous Logo

    Suggestion Denied Hi Owl, Your suggestion has been denied. As discussed in the community meeting the bird is not owned by the civil networks and cannot be used for our content anymore, so we will not be changing back
  3. Brian Bell

    Denied Add back reduced recoil and get rid of levels for ammo

    Suggestion Denied Hi Harvey, Your suggestion has been denied. We removed this feature as it gave too much benefit to long standing players and scared off new members. as for the ammo, this is retained as a benefit for convenience.
  4. Brian Bell

    Denied AOR weapon change

    Suggestion Denied Hi Drako, Your suggestion has been denied. The weapons have been deemed inkeeping with the current theme of your faction and any weapon changes should be dealt with in RP before coming to SL. Please take this issue to the relevant regimental general
  5. Brian Bell

    Denied Rule change suggestion

    Suggestion Denied Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been denied. We have combined the base kidnapping and hacking cooldown to prevent players constantly dealing with large groups of enemies in the base so this will not be changed as for the STS/SOTF authority, it was previously decided that...
  6. Brian Bell

    Let people react to messages in the #mess-hall channel

    Suggestion Denied Hi ZLT49A, Your suggestion has been denied. The reacts tend to provide nothing more than spam and inconvenience in this channel so we have decided to leave them as they are for now.
  7. Brian Bell

    Denied Add a riot control vehicle for AOR/MPK

    Suggestion Denied Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been denied.The AOR and MPK have been given a new license to allow them more vehicles recently and this should provide as much as they need in terms of roleplay
  8. Brian Bell

    Denied Move suggestions back to Discord

    Suggestion Denied Hi Owl, Your suggestion has been denied. The new suggestion system has proven to be less cluttered with suggestions made on a whim and has improved the flow of content through to the development tracker so we will not be changing back at this time
  9. Brian Bell

    Denied Disallow Goats to buy/unholster weapons

    Suggestion Denied Hi Mazuzam, Your suggestion has been denied. We already have features in place to prevent goats using weapons and deem this unneccesary
  10. Brian Bell

    Denied New Rule

    Suggestion Denied Hi Zapso, Your suggestion has been denied. This rule clarification has been made in the change log but not deemed necessary to be added to the main server rules at this time.
  11. Brian Bell

    Accepted Make all NORMAL doors on the server hackable and breachable

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. A similar suggestion has been accepted recently and this feature is being worked on.
  12. Brian Bell

    Accepted Cargo Drone help

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Smexy, Your suggestion has been accepted. as recent changes have been accepted to the NWO base to make this easier we are doing the same in UAN base however will not be adding a second resupply point.
  13. Brian Bell

    Denied Remove vehicle deployment authorization

    Suggestion Denied Hi zapso, Your suggestion has been denied. The vehicle deployment is a good system for managing stocks and is available a large ammount of the day. we see no reason to remove it at this time
  14. Brian Bell

    Denied HUD change and CW 2.0/BF2042 Style attachment changer

    Suggestion Denied Hi Sandwalker, Your suggestion has been denied. These changes are seen as too serious for the slightly more relaxed approach we would like to take to basic information and has been denied for the time being
  15. Brian Bell

    Denied =map command for the #war-and-conflict-status channel

    Suggestion Denied Hi Core, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the minor benefit compared to the amount of work needed we have decided this is not currently worth the development time
  16. Brian Bell

    Accepted IVG and 15th job suggestions

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. There are individual issues with the suggestions you gave for improving the individuality however in general this is something we are looking into and will be considering options for
  17. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove the Keycard doors to gate control rooms in UAN/NWO Bases

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Jimothy, Your suggestion has been accepted. As seen in change suggestions we have decided to lower the restriction to CPL for all regiments rather than removing it entirely.
  18. Brian Bell

    Accepted loading Screen Competition

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Tom, Your suggestion has been accepted. A channel has been created for a competition to run throughout August.
  19. Brian Bell

    Accepted Rework base raids

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. Multiple changes are planned to improve the base raid experience and make it easier
  20. Brian Bell

    Accepted Hacking, breaching and base raid changes (Not clickbait)

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Jack, Your suggestion has been accepted. Multiple changes are planned to improve the base raid experience and make it easier