Search results

  1. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Cheetah Ivanov's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support -Great RP -Small guy (I can jump on his head :D)
  2. Reiner Zephyran

    Steve Winters OSA APP [UK]

    +Support -Good RP -Very friendly
  3. Reiner Zephyran

    Chocholanz's Pac3 Approval Request

    +Support Looks pretty good has CI logos now
  4. Reiner Zephyran

    Chocholanz's Game Master Application [UK]

    + Support - Application looks good - Had a lot of good interactions - Is very friendly - Can create good RP
  5. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Director of Research Application: Reiner Zephyran

    Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:
  6. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Security captain application

    +Support I think he is ethical enough
  7. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Security captain application

    + Support I think he is ethical enough to be a captain
  8. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Fricky Hecks' Executive Researcher Application

    +Support - Good documents - Very nice and friendly - Wants to create good RP
  9. Reiner Zephyran

    Accepted Give Execs the ability to credit Researchers

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/B] It would give Executives the ability to also credit Researchers for good work or in my case for attending a lecture. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:[/B] I didnt see anything similar...
  10. Reiner Zephyran

    Denied Clipboards in Dispensers

    + Support I'm all for it. Would make a lot of stuff easier
  11. Reiner Zephyran

    Applicaction for Executive Researcher [UK]

    I want to thank everyone for their feedback, positive and negative. And whatever Niox wrote.(y)
  12. Reiner Zephyran

    Applicaction for Executive Researcher [UK]

    I have adjusted the lenght of my application due to the feedback that it would be too short. Thank you for the feedback Flare and Jesse
  13. Reiner Zephyran

    Applicaction for Executive Researcher [UK]

    Thanks Mac Mac and Avery for your Support, I really appreciate it. (y)
  14. Reiner Zephyran

    Applicaction for Executive Researcher [UK]

    If this application is german please translate it to english. I wrote it in english so I dont think there should be any translation errors, if there are any please contact me as soon as possible...
  15. Reiner Zephyran

    [UK] Kurt Gunsche's application for the position of ambassadorship #2

    +Support Kurt is a nice guy I told him I murdered a Serial killer and he acted like someone already confessed to him on 3 seperate occasions