Search results

  1. Snow

    Denied [US/UK] Allow CL4 Department jobs to give licenses

    -support i dont want to have a shit show
  2. Snow

    Denied Medic weapon rule change

    its scp foundation in this universe everything is possible
  3. Snow

    Denied Make Juggernauts Not Permitted to Use Certain Chems

    -support this suggestions just proves the skill issue that certain people have lmao
  4. Snow

    Denied Commms Suggestion

    -support while yeah i like it, there was a similiar system on another server and it was op
  5. Snow

    Denied Give Site Administration Disguise Cards

    -support add disguise cards to chefs -_-
  6. Snow

    Denied Add Intergation tool to Internal affairs

    -support IAA has no reason to have it
  7. Snow

    Denied add assassination weapons that wont be noticed during a search for d class

  8. Snow

    Denied New Scout Models

    -support looks like ass
  9. Snow

    Denied [UK] Increase CI Strike Team and Medic slots from 4 - 6

    +support to all foundation players you can have a ton shit of medics but you dont use them
  10. Snow

    Denied Automated CI Testing.

    letss add this to a1 and o5!!!!
  11. Snow

    Denied Train Tunnel Vents Fix

    -support skill issue leave commander!!! +support lmao
  12. Snow

    Accepted Make it failrp for SC to authorise 914 usage for their own personal gain

    - support ngl this is an IC issue so yeah
  13. Snow

    Denied Give ci deepcover 3 Slots

    darren love you mate reading this fucking comments made my day better +/- Support Idk people are being bias about it
  14. Snow

    Denied Parawatch spy

    +/- support Job would need to remain non-combat
  15. Snow

    Denied All servers suggestion - class D escape

    1000 scrap for auger and ci spy tool!!! and 3000 scrap for mcnd to spawn in foundation!!!
  16. Snow

    Denied add a new faction and base called the umbrella corps hive and give them cool bioweapons

    -support if you gonna make a GOi suggestion at least make it look cool
  17. Snow

    Denied 096 Picture Spawn in Pinewood

    -support why do I need to tell you reasons why this will get denied