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  1. putinnator

    Accepted OOC Change

  2. putinnator

    Denied IA Request for Access to E11, Nu-7 and DEA Communications

    -Support I believe there isn't any miscommunication between IA and DEA, in fact, I think that the minimal amounts of communication that does occur between our two departments is fine the way it is. We don't need this, bad suggestion I hope this gets denied.
  3. putinnator

    Mase Lattes Security Captian Application [USA]

    +Support saved my family
  4. putinnator

    "Sicario"s OSA App [USA]

  5. putinnator

    [SCP-USA] Chan's Application for O5-4 "The Alchemist"

    +Support Chan has the experience for O5
  6. putinnator

    Accepted Regulate CI Infobreaches

    +Support info breaches became so overused and boring
  7. putinnator

    Accepted DEA Balance Suggestion

    -Support changes are already coming
  8. putinnator

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