Search results

  1. "Arachnid"

    Denied Nerf Reality Benders

    +Support Make a chem that makes you immune to reality benders (Similar to Y-Blockers and 096) Some counterplay i beg(Im not counting reality anchors which are on half an hour CD)
  2. "Arachnid"

    Denied SCP-RP Content Rotation

    +support research needs something, it also lets people look at documents from previous rotations and think about potential tests for a longer period of time before actually being able to do it (It will hopefully make the quality higher)
  3. "Arachnid"

    Rule Suggestion Give ISD Operatives a different rank in the Global Site Hierarchy

    -support A1 and O1 dont need rights.
  4. "Arachnid"

    Denied Make corticosteroids heavier than other chems

    -support its weight is to balance it (Previously they made it lighter to ruin some chem combos)
  5. "Arachnid"

    Partially Accepted Add Weapon checkers to Combative Jobs

    +Support If /me Takes weapons is powergaming how are the majority of classes meant to do anything with someone in cuffs
  6. "Arachnid"

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    Mfw the SCP server isnt realistic enough ?
  7. "Arachnid"

    Rule Suggestion Make Naming Conventions more lenient

    -support naming con isnt even enforced Someone on the US site has had the name "Footo Sniffo" for the last two months (Admin made him change his name from foot sniffer and apparently this is good enough to get around this)
  8. "Arachnid"

    Denied GOC Cartographer/ AA

    Keep in mind, The damage numbers on these guns vary due to VGUNS (Red is gun stats green is comment on the gun) GOC Thaum only requires SPC + to access the job, Meaning that as soon as you get into GOC you have access to a really overtuned PVP job. GOC Marksman has the AMR2 along with the...
  9. "Arachnid"

    Denied GOC Cartographer/ AA

    -support GOC Too strong.... They gave warfunds.... GOC don't even "do combat" and have asked for buffs because they "Choose to be pacifists" Average GOC "We are too weak" suggestion (Strongest regiment on the server btw)
  10. "Arachnid"

    [USA] Barney "Chef" - Medical Consultant

    +Support He'd surely be good for it (Hes been in more medical RP in the last few weeks than ive seen in almost a month)
  11. "Arachnid"

    Network Leadership required Automated Restart amount change

    We already have two restarts per day, What is one more going to do? Id much prefer a extra restart compared to a few hours of the server having a memory leak
  12. "Arachnid"

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    CI on their way to kidnap even more people (Plus force respawning makes it so you cant use dispensers)
  13. "Arachnid"

    [US] Voxis' Captain app

    +Support Good for it
  14. "Arachnid"

    Denied Add a new ability to TB/TG

    Reality benders are already the most overpowered thing on the server, We don't look at snipers and go "Yeah we should make them fully automatic" Why would we want a buff to something that will drastically increase CI kidnaps (Something that is already a hourly occurrence on the US site) which...
  15. "Arachnid"

    [USA] Halo's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support I think they are good for it (A lot of experience and good RP)
  16. "Arachnid"

    [USA] O5-4 "The Phoenix"

    A moment ago Add bookmark #4 +support Get him and the german man into O5 now.
  17. "Arachnid"

    Denied Add a new ability to TB/TG

    -support "Infobreach everything you know in open comms"
  18. "Arachnid"

    [USA] O5-1 "The Aristocrat" Application

    "Im in a different faction and i dont see you do anything"
  19. "Arachnid"

    Denied Secondary IA Office

    if no IA on site we are able to arrest people for CoC or CoE violations, Just because someone uses the hole in the wall doesn't mean we gun them down
  20. "Arachnid"

    Denied Secondary IA Office

    No arresting NPC on F3 so its kinda hard to arrest someone for 30 mins