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  1. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Nerf SCP-082

    -support uhm thath a skill ithue my guy bro fr bro isnt a simgha bro from iohio +Support, though i actually havent encountered 082,
  2. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Janitor Round 2

    the suggestion isnt asking for a way to clean decals
  3. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied SCP-173: Jailbreak SWEP

    +Support buff him ong
  4. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Janitor Round 2

    I think the best would make it a D-Class level 5 job, especially since janitors are technically D-Class as well.
  5. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Add GENSEC Kit titles to the leaderboard

    make the loadouts change their models for easier identification
  6. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Buff E-11 !

    in the works, made a suggestion to buff it, denied because its already planned
  7. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Nu-7 Medic Buff

    What happened to the soup
  8. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied GOC Orange Suit Change

    still stupid, you would never really need 3, GOC dont need their own ERT
  9. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied 008 Noises Rule

    if we hear breach ambience we dont do anything +1
  10. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Nu-7 Medic Buff

    if CMs can, why not Nu-7 Medics?
  11. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied GOC Orange Suit Change

    -Support jesus christ no
  12. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied New Scp (Idea) however i need to ask if its possible to add a new Scp?

    Is it existing or will it be like 8854 and 7722
  13. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Ze' case of ze' 079: Get him his tool back. Get rid of his unfun turbine spam.

    Also i dont think 079 should be just completely unable to disable the turbines, which Im pretty sure were added with 079 in mind so he could do more damage to the site, also I made a suggestion and yes, it is on the dev tracker, #443. The last thing 079 needs is a nerf, which is why I will be...
  14. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Ze' case of ze' 079: Get him his tool back. Get rid of his unfun turbine spam.

    there is a 079 rework in the making which would probably get this denied
  15. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Buff E-11 !

    i mean, u were still an E11 CO and an E11 fanboy
  16. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Nu-7 with elastic restraints.

    b-b-but i dont like tech experts!!!
  17. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Buff E-11 !

    -Support for the "Buffs", this suggestion is poorly thought out and you should have checked whether or not there are any reworks in development WHICH THERE ARE, most weapons including the T12 are getting changed, as well as a major loadout update in the future, instead of asking for increased...