Search results

  1. Dr Random K.

    [USA-ECM APP] Dalton's Third Ethics Member app

    -support From what I've been told there were some pretty good reasons for the removal Also, it's not like you have played the server for the past months
  2. Dr Random K.

    Why the changes are /not so good/

    Ive also been told that @"Recker" (US Director of IA) did not have any issues about this brought to him either, and wasn't made aware of this change prior to its implementation? Just goes to show that if it's an issue, then it's isolated to UK We on US are always kind and sweet :D
  3. Dr Random K.

    Why the changes are /not so good/

    the thread is about the isd/assistant changes bruh
  4. Dr Random K.

    Why the changes are /not so good/

    (this is my personal take, others might have different criticism (or find this change good, ig))
  5. Dr Random K.

    Why the changes are /not so good/

    Here we are For anyone wondering, this is what this is about: 1. Assistants lost IA comms This does not make sense because Assistants are mediators to all departments for their respective Site Command. They have access to all other department comms as well as E-11 and Nu-7 to properly function...
  6. Dr Random K.

    [USA] Puggo's Ethics Committee Application

    +Support Seems like he'd be a good fit for the committee. In fact I'd even trust him to become ECC some day...
  7. Dr Random K.

    Accepted Allow MTF Commanders to promote/demote LTCOM

    +support power to the people, need to have 24 LTCOMs and 1 COM in ISD
  8. Dr Random K.

    [UK] Dennid's Director of External Affairs Application Número 4

    +support This better not be Dennied again... Good fit for the position, UK DEA fossil, should finally move up again ✊
  9. Dr Random K.

    Rule Suggestion Make Faction Siege Raids FailRP

    As someone who has played a good amount on both sides I find it the single most boring type of raid and dont think that it really benefits the server in any way +support
  10. Dr Random K.

    Peasant's Departure

    o7 real one
  11. Dr Random K.

    [UK] Archangel's DoEA App #1

    +/-neutral Seems to want the best for DEA but a very recent warn and apparently a ban is kinda sketchy (also that nazi rp clip 💀), aside from just being a very new Manager
  12. Dr Random K.

    Denied Water

    -support Id hate for it to spam my chat whenever Im getting flasks
  13. Dr Random K.

    Partially Accepted DEA Minor Loadout Change

    US DEA Leadership approves of these suggestions too
  14. Dr Random K.

    [UK] O5-1 "The Sycophant" Application

    +support If you get it remember that it is solely because of this comment
  15. Dr Random K.

    Denied Holsterable Keycards

    -support gotta be real, this sounds horrible