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  1. Alex/John Dingle

    Accepted Quality of life changes

    +support Add event character to the bottom aswell
  2. Alex/John Dingle

    Denied New Medical Job

    +Support I don't understand why people are -Supporting this.... As stated they are to focus LCZ and EZ (possibly to allow foundation personel to escape during code blacks more quickly and reducing the threat of infected reaching surface). And people who are saying that this is the same as a...
  3. Alex/John Dingle

    [USA] O5-4 "The Aristocrat"

    Basicly repeated the same thing.... More of an IA/Ethics thing isn't it? (Might be different i play UK usualy)
  4. Alex/John Dingle

    Accepted ECA Pac Request + Character Lore

    Bro be looking like andrew tate from wish
  5. Alex/John Dingle

    Mase Lattes IA Ammbasdor App UK

    -Support, Bruddha focus on one server at a time GL Imperial rp needs mase
  6. Alex/John Dingle

    PAC Request SCP:CB Guard PAC Approval [usa/uk]

    Then +Support, I see no reason to not allow it to be used
  7. Alex/John Dingle

    PAC Request SCP:CB Guard PAC Approval [usa/uk]

    Is the black square at the models feet visable to everyone?
  8. Alex/John Dingle

    Denied Add Smoke-Bombs And Flash-Bangs To Armories.

    -Support * CL3 is easily reachable for a minge if they are dedicated eneugh. * As stated before, would make certain jobs/loadouts useless * As stated before, could cause lag if overused * Just no general need for this
  9. Alex/John Dingle

    Alex Dingle's leave

    Fuck you Biscuits. Never liked UNGOC anyways (Jokes love you, no homo though)
  10. Alex/John Dingle

    Alex Dingle's leave

    I won't make this long il try to keep it short, I have seen a large decline in my activity on CN as of recent, i don't realy feel like playing it anymore, so il be putting this up here to make sure everyone knows. @Otters - I was sad to see you leave but then come back, but now its time for me...
  11. Alex/John Dingle

    New to Garry's Mod

    Alr so first step is to make sure you have less than 2 hours of playtime and own the game for less than 14 days. Then go to the refund page and refund the game. Very important that you refund it. After that. Buy a shitty csgo skin or some
  12. Alex/John Dingle

    Jimmy Swan [SCP-RP UK]

    -support, leave community. (joke)
  13. Alex/John Dingle

    Denied Add more snipers to Heavy Gun Dealer

    Every role is invalid..... Only CL3+ and riot shield kinda useless.
  14. Alex/John Dingle

    Denied Add more snipers to Heavy Gun Dealer

    -Support, The MK18 mod from what i remember isn't a one shot. Adding one shot snipers to heavy gun dealer would litterly fuck up combat. 1 marksman can hold a hallway easily. Now imagine 1 marksman and 5 other dudes with snipers holding it. And before you say. "Just use a shield" not every role...
  15. Alex/John Dingle

    Lily Zephyran's Site Advisor App [UK]

    +Support, +Like's otter pictures
  16. Alex/John Dingle

    [UK] GSD Captain

  17. Alex/John Dingle

    Otter's taking a break

  18. Alex/John Dingle

    PAC Approved [UK] Sterben's O-1 Pac Request

    +Support I am to lazy to read all of that text but the pac itself looks good. I defo like the bird