Search results

  1. Vizoplez

    [UK] Vizoplez/Jack SCP-22415 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37115249 Discord name: Vizoplez For how long have you played on CN SCP: ~1-2 years now Age: 21 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: GMT+0 Character name(s): Jack "Dragon" Vincentio ( NO LONGER USED ), Jack "Kranio" Fraszer, Krane "Scaled" Civilian name...
  2. Vizoplez

    [SCP-RP UK]IA Ambassador Re-application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:37115249 Discord name: Vizoplez For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~2 years, give or take 4 months or so Age: 21 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: GMT+0 Character name(s): Jack "Dragon" Vincentio, Krane Scaled Civilian name: Varies, Usually...
  3. Vizoplez

    Denied SCPRP 682 Issues

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Changes SCP-682 stats to make them LESS FUCKING GODAWFUL IN THE NEW UPDATE. 1) Either make 682 able to regenerate HP if left alone for long enough at a rapid rate, or make them regain health on kill at exchange for a longer attack delay 2) Make 682...
  4. Vizoplez

    Denied SCP-682 PAC Authorisation

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested: Permission to work on and utilise an SCP-682 PAC for the purposes of reducing frustration while playing 682, making their model look better; and otherwise allowing for a higher degree of roleplay, less goofy animation and otherwise. (SCP-682 walk anims are...
  5. Vizoplez

    Denied Make Type-Green Specialised

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion would add specialisations for each of the Type Greens, one being a 'tank' and the other a damage dealer with unique abilities. Tank: +Extra Health - 7.5k -> 15k (Double normal) +Damage reflection (like bullet shield, but red aura +...
  6. Vizoplez

    Denied Remove Typhoon-12 from CSPECs

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Typhoon 12 from containment spec loadout Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): This gun was basically only for B-1 & E-11 breacher for a reason. There's no reason why a job that regularly sits in d-block to farm kills should have...
  7. Vizoplez

    [UK] Vizoplez's IA Ambassador Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37115249 Discord name: Vizoplez#1039 For how long have you played on CG SCP: A decent bit! I'm level 103 at the time of writing. I'd say ~3-4 months? Age: 20 In what country are you located?: United Kingdom Time zone: GMT+0 Character name(s): Jack "Dragon" Vincentio, Mauricio...