Search results

  1. Bigmangazza

    Timoth 'Neptune's Special Agent application [UK]

    +Support +Well written app +Good interactions personally +Knows how to lead +Has previous leadership experience based on previous positions
  2. Bigmangazza

    [UK] Biscuit's Blacklist Appeal

    +Support From my recent interactions with you and from what i have witnessed it seems like you genuinely have matured. I hope your appeal goes through mate(y)
  3. Bigmangazza

    [UK] Rook's Moderator Application

    +Support +Super chill guy +Fun to be around +Knows how to take stuff seriously +Former GM +Mature +Very professional +Quite active +Overall just a great guy Overall I hope you get accepted mate would be fun to work with you (y)
  4. Bigmangazza

    banned for not paying attention

    Good Morning. The reason i banned you is because I saw you taking chemicals from A1s fridge despite there being text on the fridge that warned not to take anything or it will result in a permanent ban. I had been monitoring you and a few others as i had seen people trying to look inside and...
  5. Bigmangazza

    [UK] Kree's E-11 Pac

    +Support Very groovy pac hope to see this get approved so my CO has drip (y)
  6. Bigmangazza

    Sterben's CI Pac Request

    +Support Kapkan (y)
  7. Bigmangazza

    [UK] GSD Captain app

    +Support +Fun guy to be around +Rarely messed around and gets the job done +Good experience with leadership +Understands the responsibilities of a captain Good luck Donny hope you get it mate
  8. Bigmangazza

    Crows Tmod Application (UK)

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):Combsy How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console):1 week 9 hours 24mins Age:18 In what country are you located?:United Kingdom Time zone:BST Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): O-1 CPL Crow...
  9. Bigmangazza

    Wybert "Goober" Lucien's application for Special agent <UK>

    +Support Fun to be around but not too mingy A good agent Well known Strict when needed but not too much Good skills overall
  10. Bigmangazza

    Markus Oven OSA Application

    I will be giving a +support for the following reasons +Well written app +Nice +Decent leadership skills +Respectful +Very active all around good luck markus hope you get the job Gaz