Accepted Add heavier artillery as a feature for infantry regiments. (ISAF/40TH MR)

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May 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This would add a more powerful version of the currently used mortar vwar structure that currently can be built at fobs, this could be done either as another emplacement with its own specific license only granted to infantry regiments that would be more powerful, most likely in the form of a howitzer (these already exist in the gredwitch pack the server uses along with the current mortar and KwK) that would be considerably more powerful than the standard mortar but would take more ammo and possibly require two people to operate (gunner and loader).

Another possible implementation of these assets would be in the form of towed guns, these would be spawned at vehicle deployment and could be attached to and towed by the ammo supply truck (the one with 1000 ammo). This could then be driven around and set up where required where it would take its supply from the truck towing it and possibly another following it around. The range on these would be limited however to prevent people using them like scuds and HIMARS are used by just inching out of signs, firing and retreating back in. This implementation may prove to be more difficult however as I am not aware how well the emplacement binoculars would work when the weapon it is linked to is mobile and not just static like the existing mortars.

There could also be an extra level of difficulty in aiming these bigger guns to combat how effective they would logically be, possibly a system where a forward observer is required with their binos linked to the gun, and when they looked through their binos at a specific spot, the azimuth and elevation the gun would be required to be at would be shown to the forward observer who would then need to communicate it to the person operating the gun so it can be aimed and fired correctly and accurately

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I am unaware of any suggestions of this type being made, and if they were they would have been made in the early days of the server.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

I believe this would add a well needed gimmick to differentiate the standard infantry regiments from all others who already have their established "things". All that we can be said to have currently would be the bomb drones, that both cost money and are incredibly overrated in effectiveness.

This could, if used correctly, increase the effectiveness of infantry regiments that have previously been known as being sub par at points and increase the appeal of these regiments to new players that join and see "Ooo tanks, Ooo helis, Ooo spec ops, Ooo police," and infantry regiments are just there being kind of plain in their current state. This would increase the health of infantry regiments while not stealing any jobs or gimmicks from other regiments.

If the system, when implemented, requires more than one person to operate a singular artillery piece, it could provide a well needed boost in teamwork and further increase the health and effectiveness of the regiments that use it.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

One possible negative of this being implemented would be that if used correctly, it could be incredibly effective at clearing points and destroying enemy FOBs to the point of being called overpowered.

A negative that would be more present in the early days of this feature would be a decrease in the amount of people playing "ground" as people get familiar with the new system and in the long term it could also cause a similar impact but on a smaller scale once the novelty has worn off.

This suggestion may also be seen as more suitable for the armoured regiments in the form of Self Propelled Guns, however I believe this would fit infantry regiments better in the forms outlined above.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I believe this should be added as after the positives and negatives are taken into account, once this system has been properly balanced, you end up with healthier and more effective infantry regiments with more appeal. Along with providing much needed content and variety to the server as it obviously effects the people who use the system and those it is being used against.
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i don't get why 40th/isaf are saying they don't have anything, you guys got a sniper rifle , GL, a OP drone that basicly is invincible with the hit reg. if you think it is overrated it seems like you guys don't use it correctly then. Core is a perfect exemple how op that drone can be.

IF your regiment is dying or you think not diffrent then the infantry it is because you guys are infantry, you guys got almost all type of explosives.
May 23, 2022

i don't get why 40th/isaf are saying they don't have anything, you guys got a sniper rifle , GL, a OP drone that basicly is invincible with the hit reg. if you think it is overrated it seems like you guys don't use it correctly then. Core is a perfect exemple how op that drone can be.

IF your regiment is dying or you think not diffrent then the infantry it is because you guys are infantry, you guys got almost all type of explosives.
Huge -support, you have a OP bomber drone that your basically invincible in, there is no need to make ISAF/40Th more OP
I completely understand both of your concerns regarding what we have already, however, the grenade launcher that drako has mentioned is nowhere near as good as it used to be, the fire rate is extremely slow, the grenades seem to travel in borderline slow motion and they have less range on their splash damage and less of it compared to a regular hand-thrown frag grenade, the grenade launcher is next to useless due to low damage to vehicles and structures to the point where spamming at4s is more viable, and many more people have access to those.

Regarding drones, it cant really be called our gimmick or OP when they both cost money and are very easy to avoid, they are incredibly slow and turn slower than an 18 wheeler when flying, all you need to do is either run in a straight line away from it or change directions and you will be out of its explosion range. This is on top of using it for longer than one war will leave you bankrupt and people will eventually stop donating for people to use them, making them next to useless, even if you had infinite money you would still get more kills just by playing normally, its an annoyance sure but far from OP

And finally, snipers, people since the early days of the server have been saying snipers are op, and i would agree to some extent, but due to how widespread they are in that at least 3 regiments per side have access to them (even more in events where for example helis are disabled). It cant really be touted as something unique we have, sure we have a sniper job, but so do multiple other regiments.

My goal in this suggestion is not to just infinitely stack features onto infantry regiments to make them the only regiment the server needs, it is to give us something we can use regularly and can be something we point at when asked what we do that other regiments dont, as the current examples, being the grenade launcher and drones, both have horrendous downsides that lead to them being way less effective than people seem to think, just because something is annoying to play against doesnt mean it is OP.
I think infantry regiments already have something unique which is explosives. We get lots of jobs that have AT4s, stingers, c4s, grenade launcher, bomb drones, and we also have access to IFVs, snipers, mortars, breacher, autorifleman, engineer... We get lots of OP jobs aswell as unique stuff so I personally dont feel the need to add something to make us stand out, since its already really easy to get recruits into infantry regiments.
I understand why some of you -support this suggestion as it does seems like cancer addition on the receiving side of it but at this point its not even like about what infantry regiments already get, Its just imo an overall cool idea that adds a cool mechanism to the game that would actually require some thinking rather than whipping out a tablet and just sending a b2 or a bomb drone while you stand in a corner of the map. There are a few ways to balance this, for example on how to make it unusable in certain situations, for example (depending on how its implemented) if you have ammo or not in the fob/truck, if u've got any of those in the stockpile or anything else. It could be made so that after certain amount of shells fired it gives a marker (like a sniper ping)(similar to how you get deleted by AI cas in arma3 after you use mortar like 3 times) , or it could be a tac tablet asset (therefore requiring warfunds with cooldown) reserved only for infantry regs and hc

now if we do speak that infantry regiments "get enough stuff" then let me say this, they do not. It's just some of you not being happy how you can get killed by enemy bomb drones million times in a war
(which is cancerous is I agree but thats all the more reason to add this to potentially look into actually balancing the drone in various ways if needed). I don't see a reason of you guys saying " you have enough fun with all the stuff you already have, therefore you are not allowed to have more fun".
We get lots of jobs that have AT4s, stingers, c4s, grenade launcher, bomb drones, and we also have access to IFVs, snipers, mortars, breacher, autorifleman, engineer...
you guys got a sniper rifle , GL, a OP drone that basicly is invincible with the hit reg
you have a OP bomber drone that your basically invincible in

All of these replies are either mainly talking about stuff most of other regs already get access to or the bomb drones. ALL of the aforementioned stuff that infantry regiments get are a high rank requiring jobs, where you have to get a high rank, get a silly tablet sit in a corner and farm kills.

what we are potentially looking into here with artillery, is having a high ranking member deploy it for the rest of the regiment, where a PVT for example could reload after firing or simply just fire the artillery, a CPL driving the artillery around and a CO with emplacement binoculars marking the targets. this would require teamwork as opposed to joining isaf just to get MSGT for the bomb drones or snipers (which is what like 70% of people do), then sitting in one spot for 15 mins.
It would also be different from mortars, for all the reasons I mentioned how its different from bomb drones, depending on how SL decide to deliver this update.

The part where you guys say that it's OP just might be valid, but if done correctly it will be dependent on how the regiments use it and not just on stats which I think i've already talked about here.

and lets be REALLY honest here,some of you guys get up and call everything OP once u die to it more than 5 times just to bring up how many times there have been complaints made on certain guns, vehicles, snipers, grenades even in certain scenarios and etc. instead of like not pushing a death corridor with a gravity gun, u guys take this matter to SL and blame the opposing regiments gun damage.
Last edited:
May 23, 2022
I understand why some of you -support this suggestion as it does seems like cancer addition on the receiving side of it but at this point its not even like about what infantry regiments already get, Its just imo an overall cool idea that adds a cool mechanism to the game that would actually require some thinking rather than whipping out a tablet and just sending a b2 or a bomb drone while you stand in a corner of the map. There are a few ways to balance this, for example on how to make it unusable in certain situations, for example (depending on how its implemented) if you have ammo or not in the fob/truck, if u've got any of those in the stockpile or anything else. It could be made so that after certain amount of shells fired it gives a marker (like a sniper ping)(similar to how you get deleted by AI cas in arma3 after you use mortar like 3 times) , or it could be a tac tablet asset (therefore requiring warfunds with cooldown) reserved only for infantry regs and hc

now if we do speak that infantry regiments "get enough stuff" then let me say this, they do not. It's just some of you not being happy how you can get killed by enemy bomb drones million times in a war
(which is cancerous is I agree but thats all the more reason to add this to potentially look into actually balancing the drone in various ways if needed). I don't see a reason of you guys saying " you have enough fun with all the stuff you already have, therefore you are not allowed to have more fun".

All of these replies are either mainly talking about stuff most of other regs already get access to or the bomb drones. ALL of the aforementioned stuff that infantry regiments get are a high rank requiring jobs, where you have to get a high rank, get a silly tablet sit in a corner and farm kills.

what we are potentially looking into here with artillery, is having a high ranking member deploy it for the rest of the regiment, where a PVT for example could reload after firing or simply just fire the artillery, a CPL driving the artillery around and a CO with emplacement binoculars marking the targets. this would require teamwork as opposed to joining isaf just to get MSGT for the bomb drones or snipers (which is what like 70% of people do), then sitting in one spot for 15 mins.
It would also be different from mortars, for all the reasons I mentioned how its different from bomb drones, depending on how SL decide to deliver this update.

The part where you guys say that it's OP just might be valid, but if done correctly it will be dependent on how the regiments use it and not just on stats which I think i've already talked about here.

and lets be REALLY honest here,some of you guys get up and call everything OP once u die to it more than 5 times just to bring up how many times there have been complaints made on certain guns, vehicles, snipers, grenades even in certain scenarios and etc. instead of like not pushing a death corridor with a gravity gun, u guys take this matter to SL and blame the opposing regiments gun damage.
Gigachad reply
If you're willing to lose the bomb drone, I can see this being fine. Otherwise, the last thing the server needs is another aids overpowered explosive that one-shots you from a distance.
Artillery will actually take a lot more skill than a bomb drone and will require multiple people to operate efficiently. I will be +supporting this suggestion as I do know it will very much annoy me when it kills me but I will very much like using it. Very cool feature
Artillery will actually take a lot more skill than a bomb drone and will require multiple people to operate efficiently. I will be +supporting this suggestion as I do know it will very much annoy me when it kills me but I will very much like using it. Very cool feature
Flying takes a lot of skill too but didn't stop the fact that they got their hellfire's removed.
Suggestion Accepted

Hi Xavier, Your suggestion has been accepted.

The content team think that with some testing and balancing this could be a positive change for infantry regiments and we will be aiming to implement this as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion.​
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