What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion is made to present an alternative to the player base in the stead of manual base raids (when a team holds all points for 10m during a three lane war and may then base raid with SL perms).
In short, I'm making this to gather opinions on whether the player base would see it as a good option to allow a faction, be that NWO or NATO to in a way restore the points to original states when captured.
The suggestion I'm currently presenting would work in the way that, if a faction owns all territories, instead of having to defend them for 10 minutes, with mountains of RNG required to even start a base raid, the faction gets the option to forfeit these points and achieve a sum of campaign score as a reward.
This would reset all points to Neutral, with no other changes, allowing both factions to once more fight over the map.
In short, I'm making this to gather opinions on whether the player base would see it as a good option to allow a faction, be that NWO or NATO to in a way restore the points to original states when captured.
The suggestion I'm currently presenting would work in the way that, if a faction owns all territories, instead of having to defend them for 10 minutes, with mountains of RNG required to even start a base raid, the faction gets the option to forfeit these points and achieve a sum of campaign score as a reward.
This would reset all points to Neutral, with no other changes, allowing both factions to once more fight over the map.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Prevents endless base camping
- Gives both factions a fighting chance, without the need to surrender or base raid
- Allows an alternative to base raids which can be difficult to even have, due to the necessity of having RNG, player count and activity all at once.
- Adds a new goal for factions during campaigns - A change in strategy.
- Gives both factions a fighting chance, without the need to surrender or base raid
- Allows an alternative to base raids which can be difficult to even have, due to the necessity of having RNG, player count and activity all at once.
- Adds a new goal for factions during campaigns - A change in strategy.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Dev work 
- Would still require SL to perform

- Would still require SL to perform
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I am not putting this up for a change to be made, just to see the community's perspective on this kind of change.
At the moment I'm seeing if there are any ways the community has potentially missed to change the cycle of gameplay, and would appreciate honest feedback on this suggestion to potentially find a new way we can agree to change the way the campaign system is played.
At the moment I'm seeing if there are any ways the community has potentially missed to change the cycle of gameplay, and would appreciate honest feedback on this suggestion to potentially find a new way we can agree to change the way the campaign system is played.