Denied Arma 3 Military RP server

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Nov 12, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[I think making a Military RP server on Arma 3 could add a lot better PVP scenarios, more in-depth communication, more realism to all aspects of Military RP.]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[I'm not aware of something similar.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Popular game, Arma 3 is used in real Military's as a simulator. More realistic PVP, Better graphics, endless possibility's for events.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Not every PC can run Arma 3 smoothly.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[If the community supports it I don't see it going wrong, Arma 3 has a strong player base.]
Upvote 5
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


Active member
Nov 12, 2023
+/- more towards a +support

Personally the idea of a Arma 3 MRP Server sounds really nice, and would be interesting, and prompt more roleplay interactions, war types and etc, also cool mechanics that are not available on GMod, tho at same time Arma 3 is a really heavy game, and doesn't run on most machines, also a really complex games, that makes people spend a lot of time to learn just the basics sometimes, right now seeing how MRP on GMod is not doing the best, and the fact they got a lot of servers already, having a Arma 3 one could kill the other ones performance wise, so I don't think it would be a good idea, I'd love see it, but also would affect GMod servers imo
Thank you for the reply.
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-i had this idea since i joined the server and talked and looked over the idea with multiple people even one of em being open to develop and lead for it i think this wil be very good since it would optimise gameplay allot and make it harder than only pointing an shooting i myself have played on a military rp like server where there are npcs and actuall working missions wich can make event way better and instead of only capturing there were side objectives like the capture point had computers with information that you could pick up or hack theres terrorist like npcs basicly ER but fully ai and they come when they please and its not one sided they kill everyone i would be totally open to this and definitely will help develop it since i am passionate about this.


Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Programming Team
Aug 26, 2023
United States


The development team is already stretched thin with four servers, and I don't believe anyone has Arma 3 experience. The reason CN has done so well with Gmod servers is that we have a team full of passionate developers (who have experience running and developing Gmod Servers), but Gmod experience doesn't transition to other games so well (including Arma and FiveM). This would require putting off Gmod for a bit for multiple developers to learn more about Arma 3 or would require finding people willing to work on / make an Arma 3 server.
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May 14, 2022
Arma 3 is a good game for short term missions as it not the greatest for RP, but I believe it requires too much work and money to start up and we won't have a great playerbase, sure we can use NPCs, but I think we want to avoid that, like people say not everyone PCs can run Arma, the price of it as well could lend to people leaving because if we want more content then we need DLCs which also cost money.

I would totally be in support for Arma if it weren't for the fact it be even harder to keep a playerbase than it is in Gmod as new players for Gmod just need to buy the game and download contents rather than buying game then buying the DLCs just to join the server even if we don't buy DLCs from arma the people will complain like not enough content.
May 23, 2022
Okay I am surprised this post lasted this long
Arma3 MILSIM is not hard to set up, and zeus (the "GM" tool available in the game) is a million times better than anything GMOD could ever offer, and I'm sure any GM's willing to prove a realistic Milsim experience would enjoy it;

However, interest/teaching zeus/server prices/etc, all in consideration would prob make it a "risky investment"
This is ofc assuming something akin to regular operations at scheduled times were to be made, I think MRP-style servers would be possible, just extremely hard

There are a few communities who run ops in arma3 (various modpacks/eras etc) every day at a set time.

Lastly, Gmod runs on a potato PC, Arma3 with standard milsim mods (ACE, more equipment, etc) doesnt need a NASA PC but still a bit of the playerbase could be lost there.

Robert Proctor

New Member
Feb 24, 2024
United Kingdom
Its hardly mrp related

Arma 3 is the best for military RP it's very very rare to find someone that minges on a Arma 3 milsim unit because they put age restrictions on applying which I personally agree with as you don't want a 13 year old telling lets say a 25 - 30 year old what to do, this is what deturres people from making MRP servers on gmod now because there is too many kids of age 12 - 15 year old commanding fully grown men doesn't make sense in my opinion.
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