Denied Bring back USSR

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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May 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reverts the NWO faction entirely back to USSR.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes it has been suggested before, It is different this time because there is nobody online past the second war of the day.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Revives NWO
2. Possible incentives for newer players to join a war server, not every terminally online person knows 1984, USSR is more accessible.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Development time, I believe most models/images etc are already present from when it used to be USSR (assumption).

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
So the server doesn't die, NWO players get what they want, and Civil Networks generates more revenue.
Upvote 11
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Jan 11, 2024
+Support somthing needs to change and this i feel is a good starting place. There needs to be a incentive to play NWO and i feel like the ussr coming back is a good one
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I've advocated this for a while. I've heard network say it's not what MRP needs but the numbers speak for itself.

A return to the USSR would bring back old players and it would reignite the server, almost like a relaunch in a sense. There's enough new content for people to want to stay, it's not like DarkRP where too little was done too late, there is real opportunity here.

Also, there's huge potential to revitalise the lore and set off a chain of events that would be incredible for MRP.

At the very least this should come down to a vote for the community, if NL/SL blindly decline this then it'll be very disappointing.
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Deleted member 1078


I honestly don't mind the NWO, but bringing back the USSR would be a great change. Would really love for there to be more players again :(

As a long time member and a supporter for bringing back USSR when the campain changed. This will have a change to bring bring back old players and new players . it will also make people more active becaus it would be something "new". and for lore we (the gm team) can easly write it down as oh it got destroyed or coup d'état. perhaps even it was all a dream


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom
+ Support

+ MRP Needs hype, right now our main source of "new" players is the old ones coming back. USSR was one of our highest points.
+ Server needs a refresher, USSR vs NATO could do just that
+ From a lore standpoint, so much more can be done with the USSR campaign as it already has lore, meaning we can put so much more attention into events
+ A huge incentive for new players to consider joining the USSR, and not just NATO

+/- The dev time on this project wouldn't be too long, the config still refers to NWO as USSR in most places, it is a simple logo change, Regiment name change, and job name changes, the largest amount of dev time would need to be spent replacing any in-game logos like that seen on the CCTV camera and Models, which provided we still have the old ones, will be a slow bit simple enough change
- A LOT of work went into the NWO campaign update

Overall I heavily support this suggestion, I think MRP has been needing a large scale content update for months, and this could be the turning point in our current playercount
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