Bubba's Demotion Appeal :D

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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Name: Bubba

Steam ID:

Previous Rank (convert if required):

Who demoted you?:
Chad Power, Caleb Ackermann, Doofy

Date of demotion?:
October 23, 2022

What is the case against you?:
I was demoted for "not being in-game enough"

Is this true?:
Yes and no.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
I've been warned once for basecamping in 2020

What is your side of the story?:
I always met my requirements for both AOD and supervising my server team, which was platform team at the time. Although my in-game activity was on the low side due to my timezone and my job at the time, I would still get on as much as possible and make sure my weekly requirements were met. I was also on LOA for 2 weeks shortly before the demotion, where I was told that the SL and NL team had collectively agreed upon demoting me to H-mod for my activity, however being close with the other members of SL, I asked each one personally and was told they all had no idea about my demotion. Even Cloak at the time, had not been informed about the demotion either. After hearing this, I was quite frustrated and annoyed with the current team and decided to completely step down from staff altogether.

There is a lot more that goes into the argument of whether the demotion was legitimate or not. If you would like a more detailed side, I'd advise you to look at this post linked below. I also have lots of extra evidence if needed.


Why should you return / what will you change?: MRP was the first CN server I joined back in 2020. I've always had a love for MRP even while I was Senior Admin for SCP US, I was always finding myself hoping on the MRP server whenever I could. I was sad to see its player base start to die down to where most days were max 30 - 35 players. It got to a point where by the time I had the chance to get on, it was already the last war of the day. Fast forward to now and the server has had some dramatic improvements to its player base. I've decided to start maining the server again, even joined UHC and now I'm having an amazing time on the server. I have always loved helping out CN as a whole, both being SA launching SCP-US, and during my time as Admin on mrp, and I would love to return and continue to help this community grow.

I know my current activity may be a concern for some people. Recently I had been working 5 10 - 12 hour shifts a week. As I live in the US, the server starts to get populated around 8 - 9 am and last war around 3 - 4 pm. Up until now, I've fit a couple of wars in before going to work and playing pretty much all day on my off days. With some recent events, I will have much more time to play on the server, although it won't be all day every day. I feel I will be able to fit at least 1 or 2 wars a day and have time to focus on all staff requirements.​
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