Bubba's Resignation Appeal

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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
Content Team
Dec 24, 2020
Name: Bubba

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78883323

Previous Rank (convert if required): Moderator

Who demoted you?: Bogdan

Date of demotion?: February 2020

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No. Only resigned from SCP Senior Admin

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Kicked for AFK, and 1 warn back in October 2019 during the first event on MRP. Wack map, didnt realize I was looking into the enemy base.

Why should you return / what will you change?: I have been a long time member of the MRP community. I played for about a year and a half straight, worked my through AG LTCOL, UHC, and some other high ranks, as well as achieving moderator. During this time, I was going through Highschool. I really didnt have the time back then, and to focus on life I decided to resign. Over the next year I returned for a few months or weeks when I had the free time. During one of these times, I made it up to SHA LTCOL, although I did resign for the same reason. Go forward a few month and SCP was being launched. I played for 2 days, and realized people were active almost 24 hours. So I applied for staff. I ended up making it all the way to Senior Admin. I learned a lot more about this community and got a bigger glance into the Network Leadership of this community. I loved it through the 7 months I was staff. Now, I decided to go back to maining MRP after hearing about the new update. I'm currently STS SLT and I have really enjoyed my time back. After hearing that the MRP SL team as well as the staff team in general needs help, I figured I would come back to the MRP staff team to see what I can help out with.

Thank you all for reading : D.

- Bubba​


Active member
Mar 18, 2022

You're demotion appealing for the wrong server :-(

Good STS player, good staff member

Cloak plz bring him back!!!!
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