Denied Buff AT-4 & Matador ( Or just add the old rocket launchers that were originally in MRP 2020-2021 aka Matador for NATO and Strong RPG for NWO)

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion will buff the AT-4 & Matador damage and reload speed overall to it's original on what it was back in the day ( Or just add the old rocket launchers back in the game and just don't tamper with it ) which included More damage on enemy vehicles and FOB's on how it was back in the day

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Actually yes but it has been slept on A post by Astral i heard it was approved but never implemented due to SL tampering with Content team but rumors are rumors.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Anti Tanks will actually feel good to use instead of being felt super slow and let down

- Rewards players who actually use skill during the heat of battle

- Being infantry is already super hard on pushing points especially when there are tanks/helis on one point and when you're the only infantry team to push on one point it gets really frustrating that the equipment you have just doesn't do enough damage or isn't fast enough to pull it out.

- More coordination and tools overall for frontliners like STS SAS ISAF 1stAL 17th & IVG so many regiments will use that buff to their advantage

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Tank regiments will finally have to wake up for once and beware of enemy Anti-Tanks

- Anti-Tank personel have to be super careful on not to kill infantry with their buffed weapon as it is/was against the rules on killing enemy infantry with it.

- Enemy vehicles are likely destroyed a bit faster but it's called a buff for a reason + you're likely to utilize that tool too

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: It's still insane to think the fact that Anti Tanks were promised a buff that has been probably buffed just a tiny bit but it's still super super difficult to play anti-tank versus a enemy who is in a tank. I've mained AT for too long and i honestly was just not having fun at all that my main role is being nerfed and i 100% know for a fact those players who played back in the day also hated that change about the new AT-4 & Matador based on Astrals post. If anything add the old rocket launchers back on how they were originally and were gonna see lots of smiling faces around the Anti-Tank community.

PS. I swear if you're counter argument is about "realism" just look at the drones in the server and look at this post again and type about your realism
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+huge support
I've mentioned in the past and showed clips! Of me AT4ing a RADAR 5/6 times, and it didn't die, a Nade is more likely take out structures than AT4, also people that play other games, know that Anti-Tank are a lot of time 1 or 2 shots to kill, cause it's in the name, 1stAL and 17Th can't complain cause if staff added LVS and the War Thunder Penetration system, you could die in 1 shot by another tank
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+huge support
I've mentioned in the past and showed clips! Of me AT4ing a RADAR 5/6 times, and it didn't die, a Nade is more likely take out structures than AT4, also people that play other games, know that Anti-Tank are a lot of time 1 or 2 shots to kill, cause it's in the name, 1stAL and 17Th can't complain cause if staff added LVS and the War Thunder Penetration system, you could die in 1 shot by another tank
I dont mean to argue, but bringing up other games is the weirdest argument you can make. We are already getting "oneshot" by helis most of the times, so at this point remove 1stAL/17th


Buff is necessary against FOB structures in some form, but it is fine against vehicles. A tank can die to a well coordinated AT team and someone shouldn't be able to just solo it. This would just kill armour regiments.
never implemented due to SL tampering with Content team but rumors are rumors.
People do make up some silly shit sometimes. Astral's suggestion was accepted 13/11/2022. You can see a changelog from Chad on 24/11/2022 which states "AT+4 + Matador + RPG damage buffed heavily" and then a changelog which further buffed their damage from the 25th.

There has already been a buff and it's more than enough.
+huge support
I've mentioned in the past and showed clips! Of me AT4ing a RADAR 5/6 times, and it didn't die, a Nade is more likely take out structures than AT4, also people that play other games, know that Anti-Tank are a lot of time 1 or 2 shots to kill, cause it's in the name, 1stAL and 17Th can't complain cause if staff added LVS and the War Thunder Penetration system, you could die in 1 shot by another tank
Then how about you compare dmg that nade does to a tank and the dmg at4 does. If you wanna kill radars that bad nade them

And you are forgetting that a team gets a lot of at4s . Tank regiments are already suffering enough from helis and your so called "useless at4" tank to tank combat basically doesn't happen anymore

Server doesn't need supersoldiers that can take out tanks all by themselves

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Server doesn't need supersoldiers that can take out tanks all by themselves
And back in the day they didnt solo the whole tank but from a AT prespective it looked like you did actually damage to it.

Till this day its super janky to use the rockets and feels like youre shooting pellets at it. I wouldn't mind if they reduced anti tank slots to 2 again but just buff it or add the old rockets back so everyones pillow can be soft tonight.

It's interesting to see so many heavy vehicle regiments -supporting despite the fact that you will benefit from the buff too ( except arieal ofc ) and you actually have to manuever off from an anti tank instead of killing him on the spot while he threw 3 rockets at you just tell me how does that make any sense. The name "Anti-Tank" is there for a reason it's should be a dangerous present for enemy vehicles during battle and not make them feel like they have for 2 years feeling "immortal" until JAF or SWB comes to finally swoop you off the game. Make it make sense
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And back in the day they didnt solo the whole tank but from a AT prespective it looked like you did actually damage to it.

Till this day its super janky to use the rockets and feels like youre shooting pellets at it. I wouldn't mind if they reduced anti tank slots to 2 again but just buff it or add the old rockets back so everyones pillow can be soft tonight.

It's interesting to see so many heavy vehicle regiments -supporting despite the fact that you will benefit from the buff too ( except arieal ofc ) and you actually have to manuever off from an anti tank instead of killing him on the spot while he threw 3 rockets at you just tell me how does that make any sense. The name "Anti-Tank" is there for a reason it's should be a dangerous present for enemy vehicles during battle and not make them feel like they have for 2 years feeling "immortal" until JAF or SWB comes to finally swoop you off the game. Make it make sense
i do not see how getting at4's buffed will benefit tank regiments, at all
thing is u can respawn alongside ur rockets, and tanks dont (shocker)

this suggestion is just stupid because u dont want to work around current damage and just are crying for a buff . because the dmg is not as much as u want does not mean that tanks are unkillable from ground
i do not see how getting at4's buffed will benefit tank regiments, at all
thing is u can respawn alongside ur rockets, and tanks dont (shocker)

this suggestion is just stupid because u dont want to work around current damage and just are crying for a buff . because the dmg is not as much as u want does not mean that tanks are unkillable from ground
Of course it doesn't benefit the tank regiments because it's a "Anti-Tank" Buff literally says in the name and to be used to destroy heavy armor, however they have anti tank units as well which they also benefit from the buff.

yeah of course you respawn with rockets but i can bring the same argument as you can fix your vehicles when you RTB and boom it's brand new with 1 minute downtime at worst.

You can call it a "stupid" suggestion and that's 100% fine but when this problem has been talked for a long time by ground forces that played on this server for god knows how long means that there has to be an issue with it. ?‍♂️
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