Denied D-Block Power Balance - New RRT Job Addition

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- Adds the Riot Enforcer job with the following kit. Weapon: M4 Para (the rifle), other RRT loadout items Key Card Level: 3 Requirements: RRT License, Heavy Weapon License, Total Level 50, Combat Level 25 Slots: 1 HP: 250 | Armor: 100

- Adding a 300 second job ban after death.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Changes the power imbalance between GenSec and D-Class to be more even
- Adds a new reason to pursue a career in GenSec

- Improving capabilities to counter riots, make effective sweeps, and raid defense

- Gives more of an edge to counter and balance out the fight against the reality bending D-Class

- RRT can take more of an active role with assisting with containment breaches and defending D-Block from anomalies protecting the personnel inside

- Gives more of a purpose for the HWL within GenSec as heavy weapons are prohibited within D-Block.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- If this class was to perish within D-Block the probability of dropping a more powerful weapon to D-Class

- The job slot would be nearly always filled and not everyone would have a chance at the position

- Gives less of an incentive to riot on D-Class and attempt to escape

- Power imbalance between foundation and other factions

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

- Since the D-Class type blue has been introduced the combative balance between D-Class and GenSec has been tipped greatly. The layout of D-Block is already in the favor of D-Class which has always allowed for the more experienced D-Class to have an edge over GenSec. This will balance out the playing field and allow for a more even fight and defense of D-Block.

- Allowing more people to actually want to play on GenSec, as it stands a lot of people do not wish to play GenSec due to the power imbalance. People feel overwhelmed and feel powerless to the more experienced D-Class combative.

- With the lower numbers of Gensec, it also means less RP for researchers since they can't be served as fast. This addition that will cause an increase in Gensec activity will also allow for more researchers to be served and leading to a more enjoyable RP experience for both our division, research, and the others.
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Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2023
-Gensec needs help right now, there is constant rioting and the power balance has been in D-class's favor since type blue was addded.
-Allows for gensec to have a fighting chance before having to call in MTF for sweeps

"Nexus One"

Active member
Aug 7, 2022
++ Support
+ Would add more interest in the department of General Security
+ Add a strong soldier who would hold similar strength to match the Class D special units (Brute, Scout, Type Blue)
+ Well-made request

Note: This is something that I have wanted to see for awhile now and I feel that this would be a great addition to GSD and the gameplay overall for GSD.

Warcrime Warrior

Active member
Mar 27, 2023

  • This will add the new tool we need to deal with how powerful riots can be now.
  • Adds distinction to RRT, cultivating more interest in both licenses.
  • Very well written suggestion.
  • Will balance out the situation we have with sweeps, likely not needing us to request external department's assistance.


Well-known Member
Feb 17, 2023
-gensec is greatly under powered compared to d-class currently
-it creates another job for gensec to use almost like another role
-level requirements fit the weapon that comes with the job as if it where mtf

-However im not a big fan of the hp count as thats a little overboard id say keep hp and armour 100
Aug 20, 2021
As the only thing this is going to combat a bit is Reality Benders. It wont do much either, as RRT can already mostly hold D-Block, if needed get MTFs in there as well.
D-Block is already balanced enough id say, other than the reality bending part, as Gensec gets SMGs, that being Mp5, later on, an F90 MBR. RRT gets a KSG. The best weapon a D-Class can get who isnt a reality bender is an UZI on terms of SMGs, and a Deagle on terms of pistols.
D-Class also need a chance to escape, not that GSD hold the place on full lockdown, even when the D-Block itself can only be escaped in 3 ways.

Filip McSpazz

Well-known Member
Feb 19, 2023

Bro the reason the type blue was added was because GENSEC have a massive Giga large advantage on D class, adding the type blue narrowed that advantage but y’all still are way way stronger and adding this would just be useless

Larry C.

Well-known Member
Oct 18, 2022
-Type Blue D-class is able to wipe out gensec easily
-Also servers as a counter to Scouts and Brutes
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