Partially Accepted Disallow Drone usage in Base Raids.

Content that has been partially accepted
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a rule which makes it so its not allowed to use drones of any kind during Base Raids.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Would allow the attacking team to have a more fun time.
Would make it more fair overall.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would make it so drones gets used less

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I personally believe that this change overall would make the server less frustrating overall. You work extremely hard to win the campaign and have to deal with drones almost every war. Your reward is to get the same treatment but in a base raid.
Upvote 0
You still won the last 2 Base raids on backwater, Then why complain?
This will be my last post on this suggestion to not flood it that much anymore.

I dont care about winning, I dont really care about the campaign system, people care about it too much that it influences the server. I play to have fun, getting killed by something which is near impossible to counter is not fun. I not only have this frustration as I have heard it countless times within STS teamspeak. I am "complaining" to overall lower that frustration for a good bit of the playerbase. This suggestion is only aimed towards Base Raids. They occur every 2 weeks, maybe even inbetween, depending on how good a side does.
This will be my last post on this suggestion to not flood it that much anymore.

I dont care about winning, I dont really care about the campaign system, people care about it too much that it influences the server. I play to have fun, getting killed by something which is near impossible to counter is not fun. I not only have this frustration as I have heard it countless times within STS teamspeak. I am "complaining" to overall lower that frustration for a good bit of the playerbase. This suggestion is only aimed towards Base Raids. They occur every 2 weeks, maybe even inbetween, depending on how good a side does.
My last time commenting on this

drones won't effect the outcome of the base raid it's the NATO/NWO infantry who can effect this

I'll say again the perfect example about this

NWO won as the defense team after being droned

NWO won as the attack Team after being droned

You don't see majority of NATO complaining on this after being droned during the NATO Base Raid by NWO

also Drones burns money constantly it's up to the drone user on how to use it

Thats it i have nothing else to add i made my point and opinion
it's up Network leadership/Server leadership to decide on this
Oct 5, 2023
-/+ Neutral
+ For making a rule on people not being able to use drones in bunks since you cant really kill them in there.
- For making a war without drones since that just doesnt make any sense. It would be the same as making wars without vehicles.

If you have problems with drones just shoot them or accept you cant hit them and die to them there aint anything OP about them that makes base raids annoying when both sides can use them. Only thing that would make them OP is if the operator cant die while using it( being in bunks).

Overall Neutral and just because its annoying doesnt make it a reason to remove them.
Suggestion Accepted

Hi @Otters ,
Your suggestion has been partially accepted. Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion.
Content have discussed and feel that outright banning them from being used during base raids is too extreme, we will talkover and try decide on a ruling that will most likely disallow using drones from bunks as that seems to be the main issue rather than the drones themselves.
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