Denied Epsilon-11 needs something

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 25, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Epsilon-11 needs literally anything. I'll explain why in the last question. Even adding just one of the following ideas is a win:

1. An Epsilon-11 Medic.
In return, one of Epsilon-11s other jobs can be removed such as Breacher or Containment Specialist (Maybe just give all E-11 beams instead, which makes sense). You can also make server-based rules that E-11 must follow when using this job in order to make it balanced and not make Combat Medics redundant, such as not using the Medical equipment to combat raids, or be not allowed to do things like cure disease or anything.

2. A Unique mechanic/tool
In the past, Cloak was going to create a system where SCP cells could decay and E-11 would have to be the ones to repair it using special tools and such every 30 minutes. However, this idea seems to have been scrapped since Cloak left. If this could be brought back, or we receive some special tool (Like how DEA/B1 got Drones unique to them) to help with SCPs, that'd be a great benefit.

3. New models
Every other job in the server has gotten new, shiny models that are of good quality. Epsilon-11 switched to these very old, edited models which still have floating patches on them and low resolution textures. A couple model suggestions were given in the past, but always get denied. Hotson, the old commander, even had custom ones made for us. However, these were also denied (but still exist).

4. A unique, helpful specialty job
In the event that Epsilon-11 can't ever get Medics, giving E-11 atleast some sort of job unique to them would be great. Currently E-11 has no job unique to them. Anyone can get containment beams, anyone can get a biohazard suit, and every other department in the server has their own version of the breacher. However, we have nothing unique anymore.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
A mix of all of these things have been suggested before in the distant past. My suggestion is different because I'm detailing all of the different options, even if just one could be accepted.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+E-11 becomes more appealing and active on both servers

+SCPs get more roleplay as a result of better activity or whatever mechanics may be given to E-11, rather than sitting in a cell all day.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-File size. Some of these suggestions require heavier files to be put into the server, such as new models.

-Development Time

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, Epsilon-11 is the only department in the entire server that has nothing specifically unique to just it. Nu-7 has Snipers, Medics, Autoriflemen, and a Specialist. DEA gets heavy weapons and drones. Research gets thaumatologists, Security gets Tranq pistols and riot shields, O-1/A-1 gets disguise kits and very high authority everywhere, GOC gets airstrikes, supply drops, and an orange suit. E-11 gets nothing. Like I said before, anyone can get a biohazard suit, anyone can get a containment beam, and everyone has their own breacher.

E-11 is also the least updated department in the entire server. E-11s models are the only ones which have remained unchanged since before the USA server came to even exist. E-11 have not gotten any new jobs, mechanics, or anything besides the new HCZ (which was more for everybody than E-11). All E-11 gets is the occasional gun change. O-1/A-1 have at least gotten new models since then and still are both fun departments with their current kits since they can do nearly anything, Nu-7 has gotten brand new models and a bunch of different jobs, Research and D-Class got thaumatologists, Security got an entire rework, etc.

Finally, E-11s job can be done by quite literally anybody else but better. Security's SCU Job is just an extremely buffed up, non-whitelisted version of E-11s containment specialist and is better in nearly every way. Anyone and everyone in the server can run into HCZ and gun down breached SCPs. So, not even E-11s main purpose of existence is unique to them. Whenever an SCP breaches, literally everybody does what E-11 is doing, even Internal Affairs and DEA who should have nothing to do with containment. But nobody can stop them, and they just do it anyways even if someone tells them no. If E-11 was removed right now, the server would effectively be no different than it currently is. E-11 has been like this for a long time and has to solely rely on making their own roleplay to exist with such a lack of tools to do so. Please give E-11 something.

TLDR; E-11 has nothing unique to it when every other department does, everybody does E-11s job even DEA/IA but with better equipment, and E-11 has not been updated (not even model wise) beyond some gun changes in over a year while atleast every other department has nice custom models.

Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @FrostByte ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

1. With the E-11 medics we as content deemed it was not a necessary change due to when you are actively fighting SCPS there is usually not a time for you to heal due to many one shot type of abilities along with the immortal SCPS. There is also a whole department that you can call that there whole priority is to heal people.

2. As Yeke said the containment update has been put on the back burner due to a multitude of reasons such as us having more prevalent issues that needs fixed. With the unique thing for E-11. They do still have something that is unique things that is something only E-11 has. There biosuits are the only ones you are allowed to wear armor with. I will say most people do not see that as a plus, but when it comes to containing the infection type breaches such as 049 and 008 it helps out alot.

3. With new models we would love to look into new models, but you are suppose to add models to you post as we will not do the grunt work for something the playerbase wants added.

4. I personally agree with this, but it will be denied due to the fact you have not added any sort of way for us to look into it this will also be denied.

Due to these reasons and multiple others as this suggestion as it is saying that E-11 needs something new, but has not given any real things that E-11 needs besides a E-11 medic and there is a whole department. With the everyone can do E-11's job you can argue that for every MTF that is out there. For NU-7 there is DEA and almost every combative personal can fight the hostile GOIs. Its the same with A1 and O1 almost any combative personal can guard O5 and Ethics. Every combative can deal with an infobreach.

I will say feel free to make another suggestion about this, but please add more to it such as links to models that would be a good replacement for the E-11 models we have currently. What jobs you will like added such as names of said jobs, What there kit would entail, What they would do on site, ECT

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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