Foxatron's Appeal

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Apr 16, 2022
Name: Foxatron
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85170969
Previous Rank: Senior Admin
Date of resignation?: 19/02/2023
Why did you resign?: Real life stress which you already know about.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: No
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
I needed some time to myself to deal with some real life issues I had going on at the time which was causing alot of stress , which is known about and rather than hold onto the high demanding ranks of senior or super I thought it was best to leave , I understand that I did not wait the full weak and I do apologise for that; but in saying that I was very transparent with the super at the time and he did seem understanding. The reason i want to return is because I am now in a stable position in my life where I can dedicate time to the server again and I believe I deserve to come back because I left alot of systems in place for this server both in-game and in staff policies that are still being used today because it had a very positive affect on the staff team , the GM team and on the server. I always put 110% effort into this role and will continue to do so if you'll have me back.
Apr 16, 2022
Toxicity to Alpha-1 along with E-11. Not fit fit for staff
Hello Claire , whilst I understand most players have an issue with no mixing ooc with in character situations this was not toxicity otherwise I would have been given a warning for the situation. This was simply in character rivalry because I was under the impression A1 were mocking us for losing core sector instead of helping. After speaking to members of SA and A1 , I found out that this what not the case and I apologized for the situation of miscommunication despite this all being in character.

Since this situation I'm sure you saw that I hosted a tribunal against A1 and we all enjoyed ourselves it was alot of fun and we spoke about it ooc happily , because as I said there was no mixing ooc with in character conversations. If I said that to them in ts3 then yes it would be very unacceptable of a previous member of SL but this was not the case. Apologies for the confusion , kind regards Foxatron.
Hello Claire , whilst I understand most players have an issue with no mixing ooc with in character situations this was not toxicity otherwise I would have been given a warning for the situation. This was simply in character rivalry because I was under the impression A1 were mocking us for losing core sector instead of helping. After speaking to members of SA and A1 , I found out that this what not the case and I apologized for the situation of miscommunication despite this all being in character.

Since this situation I'm sure you saw that I hosted a tribunal against A1 and we all enjoyed ourselves it was alot of fun and we spoke about it ooc happily , because as I said there was no mixing ooc with in character conversations. If I said that to them in ts3 then yes it would be very unacceptable of a previous member of SL but this was not the case. Apologies for the confusion , kind regards Foxatron.

Still you were calling E-11 cunts for being on the Gensec Freq being mingy. While they shouldn’t have done that you should have brought to there CO’s.

Foxatron is a very competent and capable member of the community. I cannot stress this enough. His engagement and willingness to create RP is exceptional and his time as a Senior Admin demonstrated the drive he held to push the server forward and raise standards. Welcome back Fox, its been great to have you back.

@Claire! I'd expect someone who is a prospective SD to know how to separate OOC/IC.
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