Harvey's NHC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580742932
Discord name: Harvey#9684
For how long have you played on MRP: Around 9 months.
Age: 15 (Got permission from Crossen)
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST
NATO name (regiment and rank): H4rvey | AVT-12 JAF 1LT
USSR name (regiment and rank): Harvey7 AG 1SGT
Civilian name: your local binman
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I've never applied for anything on the server. So this is my 1st application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes I used to get warned quite a bit but now not as much. Id say I'm more mature that what I used to be. Have been banned twice on the server. Kicked for AFK.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: I'm a CO at the minute so I guess its a high rank but I've never been CPT+.
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: I'm active I'm a good leader from past wars I've lead. I also lead JAF in wars. I'm quite a harsh person so if someone does something I'm not happy with I would deal with it. I'm also good at dealing with situations that others wouldn't be able to deal with. I also work to the best of my ability in everything I do. I'd say I'm also pretty confident in what I do and I'd represent NHC and NATO to the best of my ability. I'd love to get the chance to experience NHC and prove to people that I'm fit for NHC and I'm more mature.
List your in-game ranks on MRP: AG 1SGT/JAF 1LT. I'm also war criminal.
List your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are I'm a good leader when leading wars have had a few major victory's and victory's. Good at ground to ground combat. Good at air to air combat. I'm active around 6-12 hours a day I'm also on in morning wars when there Isn't HC online which would help morning wars out. I stockpile helis/vehicles for JAF/AG. I have also got good rule knowledge from reading the rules and past experiences of learning the rules. I'd say I'm approachable if someone needs something i try to help them out with it I don't just avoid doing things. In my opinion my weaknesses are that I've not experienced a higher rank that CPT on the server.

Thanks for reading - Harvey.
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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021


- I can’t afford to loose any CO’s to NHC as we are a 70+ members reg with a little CO’s so need as many CO’s as possible
- you are semi active on JAF it goes up and down
- you are a nice player and a good co but I do think you should stay in Jaf to climb up the ranks within the reg before applying for NHc
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Reactions: harvey
+Support Pov of a Ussr member
+ Great AG Member, active friendly and good combat performance
+ I've seen Harvey lead quite a few wars mostly in the early mornings and has coordinated effectively to combat USSR
+ Not as mingy as he use to be, or so I was told, gets on with stuff and tries his best to make a good situation out of a dire one
+ Quite experienced Leading as a CO naturally as he helps coordinate JAF he has the skills to manage large parts of NATO as a whole
+/- Can be a bit ragey during combat but maybe this is what Nato need to kick their shit up, might spice up wars with someone who gives off emotion instead of just a solitude stale voice at the other end of the
voice amp
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+ Active IG and in TS, Although in the past phew weeks you haven't been to active that was due to your family issues but I knew you were active prior to this and now that these family issues have passed your back to your old ways

+ Mature, Although at times you can seem a bit mingy I know in serious situations you are very mature and you have defiantly improved to how mingy you were

+Good leader In wars you have proved yourself to me that you are very capable of leading small or large groups of men and this is a big skill to have when joining HC

+/- You can get rather angry sometimes and it is important to keep a cool head as a High command, I do believe you can work on this though
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021
neutral I will give my verdict based on my experience with you while I was with you in JAF. personally not seen you lead, you know how to lead JAF in wars and your a decent CO and I'd like to see SCO experience from you and activity can be improved. Best of luck.

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+Easily one of the most active COs in the entirety of NATO.
+Maturity has improved massively since becoming a CO.
+Knows the rules fairly well, this is an obvious extra that we expect from HC.
+Has experience leading wars, with a bit of pointing in the right direction you could be a solid leader.

Best of luck Harvey.
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- Support

- Maturity is questionable at times, that will need
- Activity needs improvement but its decent
- You can be quite toxic and that can lead to bad examples given out to lower ranks, especially as a high rank like BGEN.

+ Rule knowledge has improved heavily from the past so thats all good now.

Although I don’t get to speak to you everyday, I’ve still had some interactions with you. This verdict is based on the interactions 1,5week ago.

Best of luck Harvey!

(edited spelling mistakes)
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- I can’t afford to loose any CO’s to NHC as we are a 70+ members reg with a little CO’s so need as many CO’s as possible
- you are semi active on JAF it goes up and down
- you are a nice player and a good co but I do think you should stay in Jaf to climb up the ranks within the reg before applying for NHc
i dont think thats a valid reason pal
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Ethan | Dragan

Well-known Member
Aug 2, 2021

+Great guy overall easy to approach and talk to.
+Cool headed especially under intense situations still manages not only to give good callouts but great orders to further progress the war.
+Creative and open minded will take suggestions and open to criticism to improve him self and his abilities.
+Also very active.
OVERALL - Great pick for NHC
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Reactions: harvey
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