Partially Accepted Hip Fire Spread Revert

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Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revert the hip fire spread change back to the way it was, or at least make a poll to see the community's opinion on it.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • People who miss the old way will want it back to it and therefore increase their enjoyment of the game (Me included)
  • Make the PvP more skill based rather than luck based in CQC.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • People who enjoy the change will be unhappy.
  • Will decrease time and likely hood to kill in CQC.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The old way was working fine before it changed, and a poll will allow the content team to see how much the community enjoys the change.
Upvote 2

Deleted member 1078

Largest + support Humanly possible, combat looks so aids atm and I will cope in OOC about it 24/7 if it is not reverted. It came out of the blue and wrecked a perfectly clean combat system.


Active member
Jul 12, 2023
+support bro this spread shit HAS GOT TO GO (damage can stay tho thats not too bad for most weapons)


Oct 8, 2021
The issue with the old weapons was that for new players it was horrendous to play the server and 9/10 of them would leave the server, older players have more time to adapt to the combat style and weapons. If we are to revert the weapons they would not go back to what they were.
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Anakin Skywalker

MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Feb 7, 2021
makes the server unfun for new players as they have to get the jist then proceed to get sniped by a AS val with hipfire guns shouldnt be lasers on hipfire its just un fun and makes the server pretty much like cod its close enough to battlefield id rather keep it this way so people actually have to have some skill without sitting in a corner and beaming some new guy and making them leave cause it isn't fun


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom
Hello, I will leave this suggestion up for longer to ensure we get a good outlook on the community before proceeding with a poll / changes
I would like to note that these changes are chosen by the community in a poll already

What is it that is causing the dislike? could this be solved by reducing but not removing the spread changes entirely?

Feedback will be vital for me and the content team to make better changes

Deleted member 1078

Hello, I will leave this suggestion up for longer to ensure we get a good outlook on the community before proceeding with a poll / changes
I would like to note that these changes are chosen by the community in a poll already

What is it that is causing the dislike? could this be solved by reducing but not removing the spread changes entirely?

Feedback will be vital for me and the content team to make better changes
Reduce it by 80%, there is 0 need for the spread to be that high to the point that from anything over a meter people will miss.

Anyone using a scope with some form of zoom is completely useless in CQC because the spread is 3x what it was in 2021. Just remove the crosshair at this point lol it's only there to look good, no matter how centered it is you're still gonna miss most of ur shots. There is 0 skill in praying for good rng.
-support I think this makes the server more fair, and buying scopes actual useful? Otherwise, they would just remove them from the shop, hipfire should only be used really for Shotguns, but I still hipfire with Rifles, and I can hit them at close combat, just gotta know when to hipfire and when to ADS, if someone is 100m away ADS, if someone is 1m or less away Hip Fire, simples as that, it's common logic across multiple games?
Hello, I will leave this suggestion up for longer to ensure we get a good outlook on the community before proceeding with a poll / changes
I would like to note that these changes are chosen by the community in a poll already

What is it that is causing the dislike? could this be solved by reducing but not removing the spread changes entirely?

Feedback will be vital for me and the content team to make better changes
yeah it could be but hipfire at close range needs to be viable again, for the people saying it makes it more skill based i honestly dont see how, the spread being higher just means its more randomy where ur shots go at close range the spread just needs to be drastically reduced, not to where it was before but a reduction to make it actually viable at anything other than literal point blank is definately needed


Well-known Member
Jun 23, 2023
Hello, I will leave this suggestion up for longer to ensure we get a good outlook on the community before proceeding with a poll / changes
I would like to note that these changes are chosen by the community in a poll already

What is it that is causing the dislike? could this be solved by reducing but not removing the spread changes entirely?

Feedback will be vital for me and the content team to make better changes
I think a reduction in the spread would solve the issue. Enough to where close-range combat is still viable but long range is not possible.
Oct 5, 2023
+ Support i feel like it would be good to have it lowered because the hip fire right now you cant even hit a guy 5 meters infront of you.
- the laser hipfire was too much and you would get lasered every second by some guy across the map.
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