Denied Increasing raid timer for CI

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Aug 20, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Response here] Increases raid cooldown for CI to 2 hours to match GOC or adding a cap on how many raids they can do in a day

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here] we wont have constant breaches of scp's from when ci raid this will then allow for there to be more rp this will also be more beneficial since when CI does raid the size of the new hcz its difficult to
1) locate the CI when they are in hcz
2) when the CI are finally found its difficult to challange them when they are trying to breach stuff due to the time we have to spend getting back to them and the ammount of numbers they have
this still means that when they do raid they will still have the mass breach they want since they are at such and advantage

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here] CI will probably end up crying since they cant mass breach every 45 minutes.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here] since it will mean the server can be a more rp focused like it should be and not just a breach and resonating simulator.

Free "Spirit"

Active member
Apr 30, 2023
This simply isn't true. E-11 is more active than ever, easily hitting numbers daily that used to be a rare occurance. And with the amount of Nu7 that are usually on, I can't complain about their activity either. CI Raids, and Breaches for that matter, need some sort of nerf, so there isn't constantly a C5/C1.
mate there is a reason NU-7 guard core sector now instead of the surface by the time nu-7 are aware a ci raid is occuring CI are already in LCZ

this is simply a NU-7 CO team issue bring it up to the SA or SC
This simply isn't true. E-11 is more active than ever, easily hitting numbers daily that used to be a rare occurance. And with the amount of Nu7 that are usually on, I can't complain about their activity either. CI Raids, and Breaches for that matter, need some sort of nerf, so there isn't constantly a C5/C1.
CI tactics/skill are just superior then.?
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2023
- Support

I have never seen someone being upset against CI becuase of a MR or DC becuase thats up to MTF.
Which they are the main reason to Guard the Foundation and be included into Main Raids so Nu-7 can at least be useful and be active becuase of CI's MR's.
Haveing the Time to 2 Hours now thats just silly lad.
Jan 27, 2022
Uuuh, no. One hour already killed the regiment in the past and may as well made Nu-7 and intel at the time the most boring thing on the server at the time and people just swapped to MRP. MRP war would probably happen more often and be much more engagning than a raid that may or may not result in like 10k profit.
I remember CI Command being so bored that they timed their raids directly before or after a raid so we could just connect to MRP, partake in a war, get their rep and ranks up on MRP while keeping their CO pos on CI and then resign from CI and get a CO pos on MRP and say “SCP cringe”

Your one negative being “CI will cry if they cannot mass breach” is not the major negative. The major negative is that CI will also be forced to do the exact same thing as GOC does, a mainly surface based military force with some chances of raiding the main faction of the server.
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This simply isn't true. E-11 is more active than ever, easily hitting numbers daily that used to be a rare occurance. And with the amount of Nu7 that are usually on, I can't complain about their activity either. CI Raids, and Breaches for that matter, need some sort of nerf, so there isn't constantly a C5/C1.
If E-11 are active then it’s more a skill issue than that ci need to be nerfed

E-11 got buffed due to the fact that they spawn in hcz making it a bit harder for ci raids in general as they can keep coming

Stop complaining that ci is good at the 1 thing we are ment to do

Get gud


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022
-Support '

The amount of shit that this idea is, like shit just get better lmao

Rito Munro Fraser

Programming Team
May 14, 2023
If E-11 are active then it’s more a skill issue than that ci need to be nerfed

E-11 got buffed due to the fact that they spawn in hcz making it a bit harder for ci raids in general as they can keep coming

Stop complaining that ci is good at the 1 thing we are ment to do

Get gud
The issue is, that when CI Raids occur, it almost always result in a breach, because as you state, E-11 got a buff, but so did CI, with how huge HCZ is now, it is much harder to locate CI. It is a matter of fact, that due to the current breach timer, and the frequency of CI Raids, there is a C1/C5 a majority of the time. As people have stated, this isn't a Breach RP, or a Raid RP server, it's an SCP RP server.
The issue is, that when CI Raids occur, it almost always result in a breach, because as you state, E-11 got a buff, but so did CI, with how huge HCZ is now, it is much harder to locate CI. It is a matter of fact, that due to the current breach timer, and the frequency of CI Raids, there is a C1/C5 a majority of the time. As people have stated, this isn't a Breach RP, or a Raid RP server, it's an SCP RP server.
Then it's E-11's job to up the security, with UK CI being more organised in raids. MTF need to be more co-ordinated to actually effectively kill us, you might say "HCZ is too big, andwe don't have enough people to guard" however it's the CO team's job to get the playerbase of E-11 active and co-ordinated instead of throwing themselves at us.

Rito Munro Fraser

Programming Team
May 14, 2023
Then it's E-11's job to up the security, with UK CI being more organised in raids. MTF need to be more co-ordinated to actually effectively kill us, you might say "HCZ is too big, andwe don't have enough people to guard" however it's the CO team's job to get the playerbase of E-11 active and co-ordinated instead of throwing themselves at us.
Look, I don't care who's fault it is, but it is a matter of fact, that the current way it stands, it is ruining the experience for everyone but CI and SCPs. And guess what, a rule change can be made to nerf CI, but it's impossible to enforce a rule making E-11 or Nu-7 more organized.
Look, I don't care who's fault it is, but it is a matter of fact, that the current way it stands, it is ruining the experience for everyone but CI and SCPs. And guess what, a rule change can be made to nerf CI, but it's impossible to enforce a rule making E-11 or Nu-7 more organized.
We don't need a fucking rule telling MTF to be more organised, they need the CO's to organise the regiment better.

Rito Munro Fraser

Programming Team
May 14, 2023
We don't need a fucking rule telling MTF to be more organised, they need the CO's to organise the regiment better.
You're clearly not reading my messages. It does not matter if it's Nu7/E11's fault that things are the way they are. It needs to change, because right now, Roleplay is shit. Something needs to change, now.

Free "Spirit"

Active member
Apr 30, 2023
You're clearly not reading my messages. It does not matter if it's Nu7/E11's fault that things are the way they are. It needs to change, because right now, Roleplay is shit. Something needs to change, now.
If ci were doing shit and getting murdered every raid would you support a CI buff if the Cos were incompetant and leadinga inactive regiment and not planning raids effectively no?


Free "Spirit"

Active member
Apr 30, 2023
increase in raid timer = more time between raids. more time inbetween raids = less code 1s and 5s. less code 1s and 5s = more time spent doing rp instead of dealing with code 1s and 5s. its quite simple how it will boost rp
you just dont understand nerfing CI will decrease RP / mtf

With a 2 hour raid cooldown CI will just afk in base this leads to DEA being bored and doing nothing nu-7 will never leave base and GOC would get quite bored as well theres basically only them and the foundation NU-7 + DEA would die mc&d would die more than it already has as mc&d wouldnt gain equipment from CI

with ci basically doing no raids means almost scp breaches a significant decrease in dblock riots which leads to less dclass = NO TESTS FOR RESEARCHERS


use your fucking brain first it isnt hard to see how removing CI would cause this its like when a drug king pin dies the area doesnt suddenly go back to normal

you are biting yourself in the ass mate
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