Jack G - Resignation Appeal

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Name: Jack G
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94146882
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator
Who demoted you?: N/A - Resignation
Date of demotion?: I can not remember, it will be on the trello. It was on backwater I believe, around February.
What is the case against you?: There was not really a case, I didn't have time and multiple strikes accumulated because of this and so it demotivated me and so I left before I was demoted. There was also an issue regarding me taking an LOA which annoyed me as I was being questioned about it too much and that pushed me over the edge.
Is this true?: Yes, I was demotivated therefore resigned.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No, I received a strike for failing to meet requirements set however
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:


Evidently, I was unbanned and not blacklisted
Couple warranted AFK kicks
The other warnings, I honestly could not tell you what for as they were a long time ago other than the 'Comms Mixing and Encouraging Toxicity' - I told USSR to "// Good war guys" and I was warned for mixing

Regardless, these warnings accumulated are from 5 months+ ago.

What is your side of the story?: (Explained Above)
Why should you return / what will you change?:
There'll be another competent staff member added to the team with extensive rule knowledge and actual time to dedicate. Furthermore, I am in a high ranking position and so shows I am here to best help the server as a whole.
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=Neutral, skewing to -Support

+Active IG & TS
=Not sure on maturity, seen some OOC interactions which were of concern although not commonplace but harsh when it happened.
-Poorly Formatted Appeal
-Not confident on rule knowledge due to the time in addition to some witnessed situations.

Hello Jack,

Sadly, I cannot give you my support to your appeal due to the reasons stated above, feel free to contact me/amend your application as this is not a final verdict and is down for a change. Best of luck regardless.


Big +Support

+Decent Maturity
+Decent Rule Knowledge

Jack you were a good staff member on our old mrp server and were a great staff member on here where you helped me into the server, you are quite mature but also have a good sense of humour and your rule knowledge is Decent from our sits we have done and because of that I am happy to support you.

Best of luck,
Keep gaming,

Jan 10, 2021
Big +Support

+Decent Maturity
+Decent Rule Knowledge

Jack you were a good staff member on our old mrp server and were a great staff member on here where you helped me into the server, you are quite mature but also have a good sense of humour and your rule knowledge is Decent from our sits we have done and because of that I am happy to support you.

Best of luck,
Keep gaming,
Aug 20, 2021

-Immature [My Lieutenant Colonel Times and ABT times]
-Unsure on Rule Knowledge - Personal Experience

Hello Jack!
From my time on MRP as You were my Regimental General. I came to You about a complaints and etc, yet nothing was done about them.

You have been immature on TeamSpeak/ IG, which my Immaturity point comes into place.

At this time these are my impressions of You, in terms of my time on MRP.
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