Jacub's NHC Application

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Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Programming Team
Jan 21, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96085036
Discord Name: Jacub#0520
For how long have you played on MRP: I joined the server on the 15th of January.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: CEST
NATO name (regiment and rank): RMP CPT Jacub Andersson
USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT PVT Osokin
Civilian name: Khalil Harroun
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first application.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I’ve only received 1 warning, which was for RDM. However, this was later appealed & removed. And I’ve not received any kicks or bans.


Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Yes, I am currently a captain within the RMP, where I’ve served as a CO for around 2.5 months.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

I am a strong candidate for High Command since I previously worked as a director for departments on another server, where I built my leadership abilities such as active listening, patience, and empathy. And after joining MilitaryRP and becoming a member of RMP. During my time as a CO, I fine-tuned my leadership abilities.

And, thanks to my experience in the 10thSD, I've learned a lot about what tanks can accomplish in combat. And their limits, as well as how much they rely on friendly air support. I've also had the opportunity to lead a couple wars under the supervision of NHC. And, based on the feedback I've received, I seem to have done an adequate job of leading them.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:

  • Dedication - I actively contribute my time to the server on a general basis.
  • Law and Rule Knowledge - I have a good grasp on the Military Code and Server Rules.
  • Eager to Learn and Improve - I always try to take feedback, and improve on things to ensure I don’t make the same mistake multiple times.
  • Open-minded - I am always listening for input, and suggestions on how to do something differently when issuing orders.
  • Fair Judgement - I try my best to give fair rational and actions on things, and for it to not be affected by personal feelings.


  • Public Speaking in Crowds - I’ve always felt very uncomfortable speaking in front of large numbers of people, this is however something which I’ve been improving on lately.
  • Lack of Experience in the Air Regiment - I’ve not gotten any experience from regiments such as JAF or ABT, however, this is something which I am currently attempting to improve on by joining ABT.


Hi there Jacub, so for my opinion on this matter I think you are a very qualified candidate for High Command. You are extremely active and I've been seeing you on a lot lately for numerous hours a day which is a good thing. Furthermore you are very mature and a friendly face within RMP in my opinion. You have also stepped up to gain a good portion of war leading experience. Your application does seem to also have a decent bit of effort put into it. My only negative towards you on this matter would be you haven't really interacted with other regiments up until recently.

Nonetheless, I am happy to offer you my
Support on your application.
Best of luck!
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Feb 21, 2022

+ Friendly, Mature and Very Active.
+ Good leadership skills.

= The application could have more detail.

Given these reasons, I'm giving you positive support. As I said, you're friendly, mature and very active. You're good at leading wars, which is expected as High Command. Your application could have more detail, even though it's good as it is.
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Abu Baghdad

Active member
Mar 30, 2022
im not sure if i can vote on this since im ussr main but
i played with Osoking as a 10th member and he has many abilites that can be useful in leadership
i think that he would be a very good leader as i saw him lead us many times .
good luck
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Mar 14, 2022
  • You're active from what I've seen.
  • Your application has got the necessary information and detail which I like.
  • I don't particularly know you.
  • I don't see an issue with this applicant, so if NHC feel like they could use another BGEN then why not. I'll give you a +Support.
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Reactions: Jacub


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

Hey Jacob, I am going with +Support today.

You have recently
asked to lead wars and you have shown yourself to be capable of leading, with minor prompting from NHC that watched over you. You have a great amount of experience being a CPT in RMP and this is a good transferrable skill to have in the HC team. My only criticism is your confidence, although people can be apprehensive when leading a war (this becomes easier with practise), it is something I would like to see you work on as you are looked upon by the whole of NATO and they need your clear guidance. Aside from this, I feel you would be a great addition to the HC team.

Good Luck!
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Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021

+Active and dedicated
+Fair and just

+/- Good with tactics during discussion, but never seen you lead
-Is Swedish ;>
I am joking as i am Norwegian and there is a natural hate against sweden
Good luck bud!
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Aug 14, 2021
Hello Jacub,

I would like to leave my remarks of how I feel of you having the position as a NHC. As we all know, NHC requires not only to be always on your toes, but also requires quick strategic thinking and a voice to keep NATO pointed in the right direction. Overall, I feel that you meet every single one of those requirements based on personal interaction on both 10thSD, as well as on RMP. You are mature, always keeps a cool head no matter the situation, and most importantly respectful to each of your subordinates by keeping them intact and well trained in performing their duties. However, I haven't really seen you lead a war, but I have seen you lead RMP to the point where they are a stable and healthy regiment. My only cons would be your applications detail and confidence, but both can be skills that you can pick up along the way. I honestly believe with both my interactions with you not only as a friend, but per my experience, I feel that you would make a very good NHC.

+ Massive Support
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Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021

+ Active member within RMP
+ Good leader within the regiment
+ Great work ethic and a very dedicated
+ Not scared to speak openly and provide alternative opinions

- Hasn't lead NATO in many wars

In conclusion I believe Jacub would make an exceptional addition to NHC and thoroughly deserves this opportunity.
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Nov 22, 2021
Application Accepted

Hey Jacub
Thank you for taking your time to make a High Command application.
After some thoughts and some guidance I have chosen to accept yor application, next time you are on TS, put "awaiting NHC Interview" and a LTGEN+ will contact you


NHC General Dukem
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