Rule Suggestion Make it FailRP to Breach SCP's as D-Class

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Active member
Mar 17, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This changes what D-Class are able to do when they escape D-Block.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:


Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1. Improve server health because it's really easy for D-Class to escape during low pop hours and Breach 3 SCP's.

2. Constant Breaches ruin RP for others.

3. It doesn't make much sense why D-Class would breach SCP's in the first place if their goal is to escape the Foundation.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Gives D-Class less to do when they escape.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This should be accepted because constant breaches ruin the flow of RP and make the server unfun. Limiting who can breach SCP's should limit the constant breaches that happen during low pop.


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2022
This removes a core feature of playing d-class if it gets removed then their goals other than testing would be killing, 914 or getting to surface which is VERY boring most of the time
Most of the fun of d class is evading Gensec and E-11 to breach an scp and if it happens during low pop hours then it just gives E-11 or Gensec all the more reason to keep an eye out, patrol and just make sure no d class escape


Well-known Member
Aug 21, 2022
- support due to the lack of things for the Dclass to even do. think about it RP wise they are sick of being tested on and want a way to get back at the ones keeping them locked up.


Well-known Member
Apr 16, 2023
Sounds like a rage suggestion
Its a god given right for d-class to cause chaos
Also sounds like you should be complaining to SA/SL about making e-11 suffer playing borderrp instead of having intresting dutys in heavy that involve patroling n shit.

SCU can see hacking notifs, should be good enough with that buff.


Active member
Dec 19, 2023
major -1 dclass breaking out scp's is a feature, and doesn't require any reworking atm
Jun 24, 2022
1. Improve server health because it's really easy for D-Class to escape during low pop hours and Breach 3 SCP's.

2. Constant Breaches ruin RP for others.

3. It doesn't make much sense why D-Class would breach SCP's in the first place if their goal is to escape the Foundation.

here are my 3 reason how this will not improve server health and rp
1). This will not improve server health as you are killing a main source of d class enjoyment and can cause new players to leave thus will probably hurt the server more then helping
2). perhaps maybe have e11 or security guarding 914 and have a e11 perhaps guarding hcz primary like old times
3). Why do people assume that d class want to escape the foundation they are death row inmate they could have priority's like murdering specific people, breaching scp, utilizing 914 and so much more

why not make a limit on how many scp can be breach via hack

here are my 3 reason how this will not improve server health and rp
1). This will not improve server health as you are killing a main source of d class enjoyment and can cause new players to leave thus will probably hurt the server more then helping
2). perhaps maybe have e11 or security guarding 914 and have a e11 perhaps guarding hcz primary like old times
3). Why do people assume that d class want to escape the foundation they are death row inmate they could have priority's like murdering specific people, breaching scp, utilizing 914 and so much more

why not make a limit on how many scp can be breach via hack

There is a hack limit I'm pretty sure which is three SCPs. What should be done is make a requirement of MTF on (not E-11 req just MTF in general) before you can hack an SCP out.
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