What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
it removes the combat score barrier to use sniper in ISAF/IVG and SAS/STS
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes me a month ago
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes snipers worth using.
Makes job more accessible for people that struggle to kill things.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People will cry even though we have flying death machines that take about 8 stingers to kill.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
From reading over the replies of the last post and having heard from others that have not replied (not from just SAS) I have heard is DMR's are far better than snipers which they should not be. DMR's are better than snipers due to :
Being able to put whatever sight you want on it meaning at close range you have a guaranteed two hit weapon
It has a decently high fire rate
It has a high damage output which it should do as it is a DMR the damage output being around 80-90 per shot in the body
There is no marker when a DMR kills someone which makes camping with a DMR far more viable than with a sniper and a quite easy
What comes with the high fire rate and high damage with little spread means that it is very easy to kill people really fast which means no tracers
In there kit they also get smoke grenades which makes them probably better in a 1v1 against a sniper if the person with the DMR can hit there shots
Along with this I have also heard people's opinion on snipers and why they are to over powered:
They one shot (fair enough I get that one shot weapon is annoying but like half the guns feel like a one shot)
The spread on a DMR is more than a sniper????? (I don't understand this one a sniper has no spread it shoots once every 4 seconds give or take)
Having a one shot weapon entices them to head glitch (I don't understand this either personally I want to head glitch more without a sniper as my gun takes like 3 shots to kill)
Now this is just what I have heard from my time playing I do not know if you lot think I mean go back to the way it was before because I do not I mean give SAS 1 sniper give ISAF 1 sniper and HC 1 sniper that makes 3 snipers which personally I do not think is that many. For the combat score sniper personally I do not see any point in it as it would add up to make 5 snipers which is annoying I would just remove that completely or make the combat score sniper 750 combat score to use.
As I said in my last post also that adding ceramic plating to more jobs is a insane counter to snipers as only half the models have head hitboxes so it would make snipers 2 shot
it removes the combat score barrier to use sniper in ISAF/IVG and SAS/STS
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes me a month ago
Denied - Make snipers worth it again
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: it removes the combat score barrier to use sniper in ISAF/IVG and SAS/STS Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Not a clue if it has the difference is I am correct. Possible Positives of the...

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes snipers worth using.
Makes job more accessible for people that struggle to kill things.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
People will cry even though we have flying death machines that take about 8 stingers to kill.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
From reading over the replies of the last post and having heard from others that have not replied (not from just SAS) I have heard is DMR's are far better than snipers which they should not be. DMR's are better than snipers due to :
Being able to put whatever sight you want on it meaning at close range you have a guaranteed two hit weapon
It has a decently high fire rate
It has a high damage output which it should do as it is a DMR the damage output being around 80-90 per shot in the body
There is no marker when a DMR kills someone which makes camping with a DMR far more viable than with a sniper and a quite easy
What comes with the high fire rate and high damage with little spread means that it is very easy to kill people really fast which means no tracers
In there kit they also get smoke grenades which makes them probably better in a 1v1 against a sniper if the person with the DMR can hit there shots
Along with this I have also heard people's opinion on snipers and why they are to over powered:
They one shot (fair enough I get that one shot weapon is annoying but like half the guns feel like a one shot)
The spread on a DMR is more than a sniper????? (I don't understand this one a sniper has no spread it shoots once every 4 seconds give or take)
Having a one shot weapon entices them to head glitch (I don't understand this either personally I want to head glitch more without a sniper as my gun takes like 3 shots to kill)
Now this is just what I have heard from my time playing I do not know if you lot think I mean go back to the way it was before because I do not I mean give SAS 1 sniper give ISAF 1 sniper and HC 1 sniper that makes 3 snipers which personally I do not think is that many. For the combat score sniper personally I do not see any point in it as it would add up to make 5 snipers which is annoying I would just remove that completely or make the combat score sniper 750 combat score to use.
As I said in my last post also that adding ceramic plating to more jobs is a insane counter to snipers as only half the models have head hitboxes so it would make snipers 2 shot