MrGhost's second MRP GM Appeal

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Mar 6, 2022
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:544836902
Previous Rank:TGM
Date of resignation?:27/11/2023
Why did you resign? I had alot of exams at the time and couldn't focus on MRP and so had to leave
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I was demoted once around 2 years ago for abuse of power but since got GM back
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
I believe that I should be allowed to re-join the GM team as I still have lots of event ideas to create and hope that some of these events can boost player counts . I would also like to re-join as I was informed that the GM team is relatively low on numbers and I hope to help them in the present and future on any events that they have in mind . I will try to be on at least once a day every week and if I can not I will try and do something to make up for that. I also believe that this community deserves great events and I hope some day I can deliver.

I can appreciate it's been some time since I was last playing MRP, but during that time you were always a name popping up causing trouble and over-reacting to simple things. We're in a stage where the GM team is wanting to move to more thought-out events, and we need mature individuals.

I am all for being proven wrong, and I'm sure you're more mature than when I last really engaged with you, but from past experiences I'm relatively unsure.

Hoping for the best either way and best of luck!
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