Name: MrGhost
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544836902
Previous Rank: Trial Game Master
Date of resignation?: 27/11/2023
Why did you resign? I resigned because I couldn't find time for the server at that period and felt that the best option was to resign as I believed that I would be away from the server for much longer and so decided to resign
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I was kicked for abuse of power in an RP scenario since I have not had any issues
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I believe I should be allowed to return because I still have many event ideas and would still like to make them reality. I was told in the past that my maturity has stumped my progression in this server and have made sure to act more proper on this server and wish to be a role model to what someone should be like on the server. I feel now I can commit as I have gotten better with my time management and promise that when needed I can hopefully be there . throughout my time in this server I have been aware that people see me as a "minge" for a long time I have tried to fix this and promise that if I were a GM again people views will change .
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:544836902
Previous Rank: Trial Game Master
Date of resignation?: 27/11/2023
Why did you resign? I resigned because I couldn't find time for the server at that period and felt that the best option was to resign as I believed that I would be away from the server for much longer and so decided to resign
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I was kicked for abuse of power in an RP scenario since I have not had any issues
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I believe I should be allowed to return because I still have many event ideas and would still like to make them reality. I was told in the past that my maturity has stumped my progression in this server and have made sure to act more proper on this server and wish to be a role model to what someone should be like on the server. I feel now I can commit as I have gotten better with my time management and promise that when needed I can hopefully be there . throughout my time in this server I have been aware that people see me as a "minge" for a long time I have tried to fix this and promise that if I were a GM again people views will change .