Accepted MRP Hit Registration

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Fix the MRP Hit Reg.
The MRP Hit registration is shockingly bad and needs looking into as it's genuinely a big issue. I'm looking through old clips when we were averaging around 80 players and it's nowhere near as bad as what it is now with 40 players on, even 30.
By the sounds of it, the Hit Reg has been an issue for the last 12 months or so, so I'm proposing the Content Team and maybe Developers look through the last 12 months of MAJOR updates that MRP has had and see if there was any cause for lag to have arose from.

So far, I've seen
- CCTV Cameras/Interface (maybe every player renders it im unsure)
- Potentially the intro to each faction when you select character
- VDecals (scp doesnt seem to have terrible hit reg so if this is on both servers, i doubt it's this)
- Potentially drones
- UI Updates for VWAR (Starts on 27/05/2024)
- Helicopters being regiment owned and never despawning

Genuinely, the hit reg isn't a copium type thing. It's terrible, before your bullets would hit and if they didn't hit, it would literally be because of server lag. I don't think it's a hitbox thing - dont get me wrong, it could be. But it needs looking into as right now whoever has the highest fire rate/rpm in a firefight wins right now and that's not how it should be.

I also recommend:
- Removing Radios (The hand held one's in the final slot of your hotbar)
- Either finding a reason to keep computers or removing them (they're unused)
- Look towards the particles from vehicles and see if they're causing lag
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm not sure.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I literally do not think there could be any negatives to looking over the last years MAJOR development work and ensuring it can't possible cause lag. Investing time into this means that you're keeping the playerbase happy because to be honest, at the minute we're not. I'm not just speaking for me with this suggestion, it's been complained at many times and it feels as though it's being brushed off.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Kinda explained above.
Upvote 3
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MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
Vdecals wouldn't contribute much to lag but don't get it mixed up scp rp hitreg is horrific at times and v inconsistent
SCP has bad hit reg cause its maxes out and you are rendering in a lot at once on MRP even when it was maxed out the hit reg was decent I doubt you have played MRP to understand how bad it is right now we can have 20 players on and its as if the server is maxed out with every player fighting in one base
Jul 10, 2021
If a developer or NL reads this.

Take some fucking action.
I've said it before and thank you Jack for saying it again, this server in its state is not worth playing. There is no true reason to log on to play for an hour with 80fps with 40 players for war to start and you dip to 40 and can't hit a player despite knowing you shot him.
I understand coping about it, but this isn't that. I think considering that me and axel, maybe not the best combat players but far far the worst, both agree to this suggestion holding merit is clear enough that its not cope.

Time and time again bullshit has been said that this will be looked into, and time and time again we've gotten no answer.
Every week SCP gets patch here and patch there for fps fixes and optimisations.
MRP hasn't had good and reliable hitreg since 2021, and how it was better when the server capped out at 100+ players and it is worse when we cap at 60 is fucking embarrassing.
Take some initiative, realise this is a huge problem for MRP and without solving it, you won't get anywhere.
Even reducing all these fancy addons is a better decision if it means we get a solid hitreg back.
I'd rather play 2021 mrp than current.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hi @jackg,

Can you provide some evidence for this so I can review this.

Take some fucking action.
I've said it before and thank you Jack for saying it again, this server in its state is not worth playing. There is no true reason to log on to play for an hour with 80fps with 40 players for war to start and you dip to 40 and can't hit a player despite knowing you shot him.
I understand coping about it, but this isn't that. I think considering that me and axel, maybe not the best combat players but far far the worst, both agree to this suggestion holding merit is clear enough that its not cope.
respectfully, this behaviour is why devs would rather move away from MRP, acting as if they are bound to your whims, I understand you may feel there is an issue and ill look into it as best I can whilst im dealing with all my other retained workload, but I need to be able to find an issue thats actually showing an issue with networked hitreg.

When I have played, I personally along with other people havn't seen this, the current working theory is due to server / client hitbox mismatches.

Just a note to anyone else who follows with the "FUCKING SORT IT" attitude, ill just delete your post until you can use some decorum and help me see the issue in a respectful manner, thankyou.

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Hi @jackg,

Can you provide some evidence for this so I can review this.

respectfully, this behaviour is why devs would rather move away from MRP, acting as if they are bound to your whims, I understand you may feel there is an issue and ill look into it as best I can whilst im dealing with all my other retained workload, but I need to be able to find an issue thats actually showing an issue with networked hitreg.

When I have played, I personally along with other people havn't seen this, the current working theory is due to server / client hitbox mismatches.

Just a note to anyone else who follows with the "FUCKING SORT IT" attitude, ill just delete your post until you can use some decorum and help me see the issue in a respectful manner, thankyou.
Thanks for the msg and yeah I agree with your statements Developers have it hard enough right now. I’ll gather some clips, evidence and what not and I’ll send them over whenever I can. Again, Cheers for the reply. Might be worth putting a message out for others to give you clips too so it’s not just my take as well
Hi @jackg,

Can you provide some evidence for this so I can review this.

respectfully, this behaviour is why devs would rather move away from MRP, acting as if they are bound to your whims, I understand you may feel there is an issue and ill look into it as best I can whilst im dealing with all my other retained workload, but I need to be able to find an issue thats actually showing an issue with networked hitreg.

When I have played, I personally along with other people havn't seen this, the current working theory is due to server / client hitbox mismatches.

Just a note to anyone else who follows with the "FUCKING SORT IT" attitude, ill just delete your post until you can use some decorum and help me see the issue in a respectful manner, thankyou.
heres some of my clips I cannot be asked finding anymore.


Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Hit Reg Now (60 Ping, 60 FPS) (32 Players, 60 FPS, >100 ping) (36 Players, 60 FPS, >100 ping) (Players Unknown, 70 Ping, 30 FPS) (Players Unknown, 100 Ping, 30 FPS) (Players Unknown, 50 Ping, 30 FPS)

Hit Reg before Blacklist February 12th 2023 63 Players, 68 Ping, 41 FPS October 2022 October 5th 2022 Aug 2022 APR 2022 80 Players, 110 Ping, 40 FPS

You know what it feels comparable at the minute, it's kinda like when you shoot someone and they're on a Grapple hook which was an issue with Hit boxes so you may be right but I'm completely unaware of if there was ever every single player model redone. Here's a clip and you might kinda see what I mean
Jan 2, 2021
+ Support

Its just underwhelming to just see a hitmarker on a perfectly good shot and just brushed away by the current situation with the server. Even in close quarters in a 1v1 situation its just awful. Even with snipers its worse when being spotted and that one bullet thats holding you from life or death and just gets fucked over
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