Denied Nerf Reality Benders

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 5, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove
Nerfing reality benders one shot abilities by making it so they can only be used at 50 or 75 HP

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
probably idk

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
reality benders arent as pay 2 win
they are more fun to play against
you can actually fight them without dying in 0.2 seconds

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
people who paid for it bitching that they have to use an ounce of skill

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
the reason that this should be accepted is because it is the most UNFUN thing ever going against reality benders in this server. you literally peek for a second and your head is popped or you get crushed down. its just stupid and the only way you can counter it is with reality anchors and u can only use those every like 10 minutes which is BRAINDEAD. on top of that they can use guns and use inversion so they're literally an invincible turret. all around its unfun, stupid, and requires no skill to play as and its just blatant pay 2 win
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Feb 10, 2024
Please don't take this the wrong way, but there's actually quite a lot to do against reality benders. Although it requires coordination and skill.
The problem is that you don't notice these counters if you never play them. TG for example is relatively low health and his inversion barely heals him anymore (500 HP max. i think?) and all RB are limited by their energy as a resource. I do understand that it is obviously not fun to die in 1 nanosecond to a one-shot, but in their current state they need these tools to be relevant and using these abilities on a single person drains their energy extremely fast (If they spam it).

I'd have (imo) good suggestions on how to balance TG for example if they were to lose or severely weaken headpop/dissolve, but for now here's a very general but effective tip on how to deal with reality bender SCPs: Stay in big groups, the more the better (Yes, even against 8837 with their black hole ability, since you can shoot it and more guns = Easier black hole destruction). Can't really tell you much about TB, because i barely get to play them, but I would assume their energy is severely limited.

Reality benders really don't like fighting big groups (If they didn't get lucky with materializing an auger, but that's one thing I strongly dislike about TG) especially if they are isolated. I'm not gonna go into too much detail now since I don't feel like typing an essay.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove
Nerfing reality benders one shot abilities by making it so they can only be used at 50 or 75 HP
Hello! You are braindead! Let me explain
Reality benders have thousands of health, they have 2 1 shot abilities, by the time they have 50-75 health they are dead, this would make no sense whatsoever and would basically make them a guy with a gun that is a bullet sponge
Instead it would be better to replace it with other attacks or abilities because quite frankly whoever likes 1 shot abilities are braindead.
Might be different for Type blues though
Jul 5, 2022
Hello! You are braindead! Let me explain
Reality benders have thousands of health, they have 2 1 shot abilities, by the time they have 50-75 health they are dead, this would make no sense whatsoever and would basically make them a guy with a gun that is a bullet sponge
Instead it would be better to replace it with other attacks or abilities because quite frankly whoever likes 1 shot abilities are braindead.
Might be different for Type blues though
calling me braindead when u dont even understand my suggestion is crazy, what i mean by 50-75 health is they can only use the ability on someone if that person has 50-75 health you fartbrain
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Betriv ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reality benders are powerful but based on our observations, experience and the mix of feedback given here we don't believe their head pop abilities are in need of the suggested nerf. Attempting to challenge reality benders solo is folly, they should be fought in groups due to the threat they pose.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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