Accepted Proper Salaries

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives everyone a more fairer, and "realistic" salary

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't believe so

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More fair biddings
+ More motive to go up in ranks
+ More activity in the higher ranks

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Inflation?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently, even as a SCO, you don't have a standard salary from what I seen:
CO make 90€
SCOs Make 100€ (10€ difference somehow)
RC makes 150€ (50€ increase from SCO)
Generals make 300€ (150€ Increase)
General and General of the Army both make 400€?

Not mention some jobs, like:
Drill Instructor making 1000€ (Even tho, I don't think anyone is staying on that job for long times?)
AOD/GMoD makes 1500€
Jugg/Flamer make 5€
Spy and Cook (somehow??) make 50€ both
Event Team Job makes 500€

Also regiment money is not the same even on same job
Take the SNCO Job for example
SAS SNCO - 100€
RMP SNCO - 120€
JAF SNCO - 90€
17thAR SNCO - 90€

This was just a review on jobs, now let's look at ranks
I'm currently sitting at MAJ, If I solo play SCO Job, I make 100€ if I play Assault Trooper I will be making 70€
So I will have same salary, as a fellow ISAF with the rank of SGT for example
I don't think anyone, especially SNCOs+ want be stuck to Jobs such as SCO, CO, SNCO or RC, during wars, we are also needed in other jobs

Personally I think the income should be generated based on Rank and not job (not sure if possible but way better)
also AOD, Event Team, GMoD should make 5€ since not a RP Job
Jugg/Flamer should make wayyy more, so actuall worth staying on that job (if manage keep alive)
Drill Instructor, shouldn't have a salary, but be paid per trainee, and way more than 1k so actual worth training people

As I see now, a lot of people have millions and millions, due to events and stuff, and others have 50k? 10k?
When it's time to bid for PC/ER, or rescue someone, they ask for a lot of money, and sometimes people don't have that, or make it so only people that have it can bid, making it so 2LT/SLT+ can't bid unless they got crazy money

As I see now, it's more worth me, become a Staff, Game Master, or main Drill Instructor, than actual NATO/NWO, or just get PC/ER and get paid crazy money, and it's not hard getting proper salaries, the same way the rank Insignias are found, u can get salary
While this may be too much for having in the server (or not, and just change the prices of things), it would make much better

Also, make it so if a person goes AFK, they stop getting salary, so they can't AFK Farm money, while writting this, I had MRP Open, and just look here
[DarkRP] Payday! You received £99!

I will say this after looking at the website, General and General of the Army make the same in real life, so fair enough
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