Denied Remove bomb/gun drones

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes gun and bomb drones or at the least add a 5 minute cooldown with a 5k price tag.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No idea.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes combat more enjoyable
Less lag probably

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
isaf and ivg will lose something unique to themself
less money sinks

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This is one of the biggest problems MRP has right now, due to the inflation it's not even fun playing when there's someone who has the bomb drone unlocked.
I've seen people get 100+ kills in a single one by just sitting in a safe place far from combat. Most players (at least 80%) complain about it, there's 0 reasons not to remove something that the big majority of the player base does not agree with and thinks is ruining the server. At the very least I think a community poll is needed to see if players enjoy this addition as due to the horrible hit reg and the 1x1 hitbox of the drones they are nearly indestructible. People are actively alt+f4ing mid-war due to the frustration of getting bombed 20+ times per war with no counter.
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aight how can i start with this i do find it fair if bomb drone will be nerfed to the same range as the gundrone (from ourside of cap room bunker to almost end of op side hallway of bunker). which is half off the now range. and half the damadge or make it not insta explode.

Using drone is a high risk high reward becaus you are standing still while droning so you easly could get shot or flanked. drones actualy can get shot in less then a mag.

Hving drones actualy add to the experience i do get that swb/jaf and 17th/1stal complain because they do not have any type of combat drones which you guys got tanks and heli's be happy...
this is one of the worst arguments I've heard. I'm going to counter all of your points.
1. A Nerf would be nice but it still wouldn't fix the issue.
2. It isn't a high-risk high reward situation as everyone who uses bomb drones gets a disgusting K/D (I've seen 200/10 K/Ds)
3. Only 1 regiment has combat drones (besides MP RC which is at max 4 people) and you're basically sacrificing everyone's combat experience so just 2 people can have fun.
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-Drones doesn't cause lag the reason you made this suggestion is being a skill issue not being able to destroy the drones.

-i have used drones on NWO and I've been droned by NWO it doesn't cause lag nor cause issues on the health of the server for past 2 months.

-IVG never utilities the drones that much during the last few wars to support their team how about you ask them to use it to balance it.

-also it's a Skill issue situation
I've been shot down numerous times by other NWO members, how about you go ask IVG to deploy drones to train on how to shoot it down like i did with ISAF.

-we lost wars while using drones and won wars while using drones.

-I Taught ISAF to use drones on specific target like snipers, SC/CO's and clearing a point so the team can push to the point, Even NATO conducted training on drone's like how to find drone user's, how to shoot down a drone, how to use drones for callouts and pinging NWO locations,
what I heard the majority of the NWO never did such training like we did which proves my point on the skill issue.

-coping and making suggestion is a sign that you have a skill issue to shoot down drones buddy.

-also drones burning money pretty fast, I've ran out of money during war constantly from using drones i simply go into war with at least 20k or 40k to use drones, many times I don't use drones at all during other specific wars since it'll be a waste of money.

-Soon the economy will get a reset meaning we will be Spending money on drones wisely not constant so we dont waste it

-also that "100 kills in a single war" were gotten from either base Raids/Map change event an hour long event so ofc many players will get 100 kills during that specific time rate.

-And that 80% complaints, why is most of IVG not against it?, Why is no NATO against it? Most of that said complaints were from NWO SC and CO's " Whom Are being targeted by drones to make sure they don't callout stuff on Voiceamp" you guys have drones start using them more like we do to have an advantage during future wars.
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Removing is not the best option, otherwise I'll say Remove Helicopters and Tanks, it's about balancing them, fixing bugs, and making them fairer to fight, right now Bomb Drone main issue is fact it's hard kill even shooting it 10 times doesn't do the job, the Pistol one is even worse, cause it can kill multiple at once, without having to "suicide", I've made a QOL Suggestion before I think 2x to make them fairer, but there's still a long way to go
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-Drones doesn't cause lag the reason you made this suggestion is being a skill issue not being able to destroy the drones.

-i have used drones on NWO and I've been droned by NWO it doesn't cause lag nor cause issues on the health of the server for past 2 months.

-IVG never utilities the drones that much during the last few wars to support their team how about you ask them to use it to balance it.

-also it's a Skill issue situation
I've been shot down numerous times by other NWO members, how about you go ask IVG to deploy drones to train on how to shoot it down like i did with ISAF.

we lost wars while using drones and won wars while using drones.

tell IVG to start using them like we do Buddy.

I Taught ISAF to use drones on specific target like snipers, SC and clearing a point so the team can push to the point.

coping and making suggestion is a sign that you have a skill issue to shoot down drones buddy.
ok, so you're the whole argument is just "skill issue" if this is the case than i suggest giving all regiments the bomb drone!! cause from what it looks of it only isaf and ivg are -supporting so clearly its such a good addition everyone should have it!!
this is one of the worst arguments I've heard. I'm going to counter all of your points.
1. A Nerf would be nice but it still wouldn't fix the issue.
2. It isn't a high-risk high reward situation as everyone who uses bomb drones gets a disgusting K/D (I've seen 200/10 K/Ds)
3. Only 1 regiment has combat drones (besides MP RC which is at max 4 people) and you're basically sacrificing everyone's combat experience so just 2 people can have fun.
Let me counter that,

-a single gun drone can get you at least 20 kills avg
And a single bomb drone can get 1-2 kills avg hugh difference that being said No one HAS EVER gotten (200/10 KD )with Bomb drones thats beyond imagination XD, most kills we got were at least 120 avg during base Raids/ Map change Event during normal war we get avg of 30 kills so stop making numbers that you've never seen.

-Only "2" regiments have combat drones AOR/RMP and IVG/ISAF they can counter drones and kill a couple of people on the point to make way for everyone to push.

edit: please stop making up K/D like (200/10) thats beyond impossible in a single war which is 30 min!!? Man that means I'm Killin people with drones in every 10sec which beyond made up,

unless it's a two 1 hour war's in map change Events then its little bit possible if you have at least 500k to use drones during that 2 hour war Events
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Let me counter that,

-a single gun drone can get you at least 20 kills avg
And a single bomb drone can get 1-2 kills avg hugh difference that being said No one HAS EVER gotten (200/10 KD )with Bomb drones thats beyond imagination XD, most kills we got were at least 120 avg during base Raids/ Map change Event during normal war we get avg of 30 kills so stop making numbers that you've never seen.

-Only "2" regiments have combat drones AOR/RMP and IVG/ISAF they can counter drones and kill a couple of people on the point to make way for everyone to push.

edit: please stop making up K/D like (200/10) thats beyond impossible in a single war which is 30 min!!? Man that means I'm Killin people with drones in every 10sec which beyond made up,

unless it's a two 1 hour war's in map change Events then its little bit possible if you have at least 500k to use drones during that 2 hour war Events
Let me correct you!
I never mentioned a single war I just said K/D, Tailskipper which is new to ISAF and isn't even fully familiar with the drone system had I believe a 180~/18~ K/D in 2 wars (and a flash war), so my 200/10 K/D is nothing impossible or out of reach.Also to add to this you can easily and i mean EASILY get way more than 1 drone before each death so you're statement about 1-2 kills per bomb drone is irrelevant. You're defending a obviously broken mechanic just because you and your regiment have fun with it.Also I clearly stated only 1 regiment + the 2 MP Reg commands so i have no idea where you're coming with the "2" statement.
Please read with a more clear mind before questioning me.
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Let me correct you!
I never mentioned a single war I just said K/D, Tailskipper which is new to ISAF and isn't even fully familiar with the drone system had I believe a 180~/18~ K/D in 2 wars (and a flash war), so my 200/10 K/D is nothing impossible or out of reach.Also to add to this you can easily and i mean EASILY get way more than 1 drone before each death so you're statement about 1-2 kills per bomb drone is irrelevant. You're defending a obviously broken mechanic just because you and your regiment have fun with it.Also I clearly stated only 1 regiment + the 2 MP Reg commands so i have no idea where you're coming with the "2" statement.
Please read with a more clear mind before questioning me.
Buddy it's seems like you are making numbers to prove something which is impossible, I've trained new drone users his max k/d on base raid was between 100 and 140 kills constantly droning a grouped up nwo behind CC

Edit: again please provide a solid proof of before and after war of someone using drones to prove your point
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Buddy it's seems like you are making numbers to prove something which is impossible, I've trained new drone users his max k/d on base raid was between 100 and 140 kills constantly droning a grouped up nwo behind CC

Edit: again please provide a solid proof of before and after war of someone using drones to prove your point
You're still not getting my point so let me make it more clear to you. I never said ""IN 1 WAR"".
I hope this clarifies it.
Also just to add to this 140 kills in 1 war is absolutely insane this is even worse than a pilot like jack g bombing with hellfires the whole war.
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You're still not getting my point so let me make it more clear to you. I never said ""IN 1 WAR"".
I hope this clarifies it.
Nirvan, i will say this one last time in summary since i don't want to drag it for too long

-Drones didn't cause lags or damages on the servers health for the past 2 months.

-Drones was mostly used by NATO unlike NWO not much only a little

-NATO did a lot of training on drone use unlike NWO whom did not

-Destroying drones is a skill issue since you and majority of the NWO never trained on shooting it down, unlike NATO which they trained on after NATO members asked me to spawn a drone so they can train on shooting it down, so go ask IVG to help with that.

-The economy will be restarting meaning less drones in the future for the time being.

- that little mathematics stuff you said doesn't match up since it's clearly made up by you so it can be removed and ease your little coping rant.

Go train, get better and easy as that

That's my final comment on this I'll let the staff decide on what to do with this suggestion
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Nirvan, i will say this one last time in summary since i don't want to drag it for too long

-Drones didn't cause lags or damages on the servers health for the past 2 months.

-Drones was mostly used by NATO unlike NWO not much only a little

-NATO did a lot of training on drone use unlike NWO whom did not

-Destroying drones is a skill issue since you and majority of the NWO never trained on shooting it down, unlike NATO which they trained on after NATO members asked me to spawn a drone so they can train on shooting it down, so go ask IVG to help with that.

-The economy will be restarting meaning less drones in the future for the time being.

- that little mathematics stuff you said doesn't match up since it's clearly made up by you so it can be removed and ease your little coping rant.

Go train, get better and easy as that

That's my final comment on this I'll let the staff decide on what to do with this suggestion
I will summarise my reasoning on why I think you still don't get the big picture.
1. I added the lag thing just cause I needed to have 2 negatives.
2. That might be true but doesn't change the complete disbalance of gameplay they cause.
3. Drones are extremely easy to do and there's definitely no need for "training" to be good with them.
4. Destroying drones is extremely hard due to the ridiculously small hitbox and the god-awful MRP player hit reg. Training won't do anything.
5. The economy won't be restarting anytime soon or probably at all.
6. I never did math I just made an observation based on today.
and lastly, training won't do anything, i find it funny cause this is the same situation with helicopters and you were complaining about it but now the tables turned it is the opposite.
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I will summarise my reasoning on why I think you still don't get the big picture.
1. I added the lag thing just cause I needed to have 2 negatives.
2. That might be true but doesn't change the complete disbalance of gameplay they cause.
3. Drones are extremely easy to do and there's definitely no need for "training" to be good with them.
4. Destroying drones is extremely hard due to the ridiculously small hitbox and the god-awful MRP player hit reg. Training won't do anything.
5. The economy won't be restarting anytime soon or probably at all.
6. I never did math I just made an observation based on today.
and lastly, training won't do anything, i find it funny cause this is the same situation with helicopters and you were complaining about it but now the tables turned it is the opposite.
I find this funny ngl, Broski i never complained on heils i just Tell Vlad who's casing me constantly in war to "stay still and not move so i can stinger you" which is sarcasm u monky ?
Lastly make the hitbox bigger a bit to satisfy your coping then.
Buddy it's seems like you are making numbers to prove something which is impossible, I've trained new drone users his max k/d on base raid was between 100 and 140 kills constantly droning a grouped up nwo behind CC

Edit: again please provide a solid proof of before and after war of someone using drones to prove your point
also i found some proof! all in one war! not even a hour long base raid.1711422119654.png
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Feb 22, 2024
- support

Drones are part of the military. Suck it up. Because you think its unfair doesn't mean it should be removed.
Instead of keeping or removing it I suggest rebalancing the drones.

- Drone hitboxes are shit.
- Make it so drones give noise.
- Give a limit ammo on gun drones.
- Not sure if it already exist but a drone jammer to a range to prevent drones from entering busy places.
- Make it so you can stinger drones

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
-Support, While i understand they can be frustrating they are also a way to counter certain units like sniper, also get better aim and ask your NCO/CO's to train you to use them more efficiently/to counter them.
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