Denied Remove Crimson Blade faction

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
Jun 4, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This removes the crimson blade faction

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):[/B]
It removes a faction that does not do anything in peacetime but to annoy people who actually want to get things done in peacetime without having to pay attention every 5 minutes if their vehicles aren't being stolen or if there is a bomb being planted in one of the bases. To me it just seems like the crimson blade faction just is a legal way to RDM or just annoy the living shit out of people. The faction does not (imo) contribute to any RP since all it is is literally ''NWO/NATO Give us supplies NOW because we have SCUD/HIMARS'' or ''NWO/NATO we have a hostage we want an insanely high price for this guy or we blow you up''

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The amount of work put into this faction in terms of developing, lore and other things all go to waste.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this suggestion should be accepted because all it does is just annoy people who aren't playing the faction and actually want to get things done during peacetime instead of having to worry every 5 minutes about something being stolen or someone being taken hostage, 1 hour and 15 minutes is not that long after all. There have been many instances where I have just seen a crimson blade member drive into base and then just asking for something and if they don't get they will do some terrorism, this might be RP but it isn't fun for many people causing them to just not wanting to play NATO/NWO during peacetime.
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Oct 8, 2021

We don't steal vehicles "every peacetime" we have stolen 1 vehicle in the space of a week which was to use a leverage to ransom one of our men who had been kidnapped. We very rarely ask for supplies we would rather allow NATO/ NWO to come and raid use to keep both factions during peacetime which NHC/ SC can attest to. You're the 2nd person that I have heard/ seen complain about the faction, I understand that there are alot of people on the server who don't want to RP and CSB is not forcing them too, if you wish you main go AFK or continue with this training. But since the introduction of CSB the servers peacetime activity has increased drastically. I have experienced/ understand how frustrating it is stealing vehicles which is why I never/ rarely let CSB steal them.
Jun 4, 2022

We don't steal vehicles "every peacetime" we have stolen 1 vehicle in the space of a week which was to use a leverage to ransom one of our men who had been kidnapped. We very rarely ask for supplies we would rather allow NATO/ NWO to come and raid use to keep both factions during peacetime which NHC/ SC can attest to. You're the 2nd person that I have heard/ seen complain about the faction, I understand that there are alot of people on the server who don't want to RP and CSB is not forcing them too, if you wish you main go AFK or continue with this training. But since the introduction of CSB the servers peacetime activity has increased drastically. I have experienced/ understand how frustrating it is stealing vehicles which is why I never/ rarely let CSB steal them.
This is not about stealing vehicles only its also about that they just cause chaos for no reason, today I had bought back a scud which was stolen and some CSB members just started fearrping and disguisng as people in base causing absolute chaos and a couple of days ago some dude just drove into base with some "amazon packages" and after dropping them off he just drive away and blew 2 people up this might be me but these kinds of things are more of an annoyance than actual "rp"


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022

We don't steal vehicles "every peacetime" we have stolen 1 vehicle in the space of a week which was to use a leverage to ransom one of our men who had been kidnapped. We very rarely ask for supplies we would rather allow NATO/ NWO to come and raid use to keep both factions during peacetime which NHC/ SC can attest to. You're the 2nd person that I have heard/ seen complain about the faction, I understand that there are alot of people on the server who don't want to RP and CSB is not forcing them too, if you wish you main go AFK or continue with this training. But since the introduction of CSB the servers peacetime activity has increased drastically. I have experienced/ understand how frustrating it is stealing vehicles which is why I never/ rarely let CSB steal them.
stole 1 vehicle cause MU+ is never on


Oct 8, 2021
This is not about stealing vehicles only its also about that they just cause chaos for no reason, today I had bought back a scud which was stolen and some CSB members just started fearrping and disguisng as people in base causing absolute chaos and a couple of days ago some dude just drove into base with some "amazon packages" and after dropping them off he just drive away and blew 2 people up this might be me but these kinds of things are more of an annoyance than actual "rp"

The people involved in the "Amazon" incident have been spoken to and demoted, regarding the SCUD I am demoting the people who stole it. I apologise for the actions of a few people but in any large group of people you will have a few who will try and ruin it.

stole 1 vehicle cause MU+ is never on

I have been on for 80% of the peacetimes in the past week.


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
I wouldn't remove them, but it would be nice if CSB came across as engaging RP rather than griefing. Perhaps we could find some activities for them that aren't just kidnapping or bombing.
Not an official verdict, but I 100% agree. The CSB faction was meant to be a "clean slate", where it was up to the individual(s) to perform activities whether that be predefined or otherwise. I will be speaking with the CSB leaders on both servers to gain a picture of what the day-to-day is.
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Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
i dont think its a problem with the faction, its the main problem mrp is having for a while, noone wants to take time out of their day to make good rp. im not sure cause i havent been ingame for a while but i can only guess that most csb members have a wrong picture of the faction and are not doing good rp but instead get a "legal" way to kill/annoy people.

I don't want to roleplay as a victim in a video game.

CSB was a god awful idea that pissed alot of people off and gave an excuse for anyone who applied for it to MRDM and be toxic to other players overall. Not to mention CSB are scaring new players away from the server due to them constantly harassing the other factions and just causes more confusion on who the enemy is. I do not know how did this pass through content team but for fuck sakes CSB would be way more fun to RP with if these whitelists were handed to the people who actually knows how to roleplay instead of "Play by the rule books" types of players. I can't believe i'm saying this but even Chaos Insurgency in SCP roleplay is far more interesting than what we have as CSB. And these guys don't even require a whitelist in the forums.
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Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
"CSB was a god awful idea that pissed alot of people off and gave an excuse for anyone who applied for it to MRDM and be toxic to other players overall"

It wasnt an awfull idea at all. The idea was that CSB is only filled with a few roleplay oriented people that talk to the faction leaders first and plan stuff ahead like: "Infantry regimets will have that time window to negotiate while the special force could try to take hostages back eg". It wasnt supposed to be a legal mrdm faction.
And please dont play the victim role again like in the oldern days with: "1/10 stars, event was bad, nato lost"
"CSB was a god awful idea that pissed alot of people off and gave an excuse for anyone who applied for it to MRDM and be toxic to other players overall"

It wasnt an awfull idea at all. The idea was that CSB is only filled with a few roleplay oriented people that talk to the faction leaders first and plan stuff ahead like: "Infantry regimets will have that time window to negotiate while the special force could try to take hostages back eg". It wasnt supposed to be a legal mrdm faction.
And please dont play the victim role again like in the oldern days with: "1/10 stars, event was bad, nato lost"
This means CSB needs to be looked again and the people who are whitelisted as well.


Active member
Feb 27, 2023
Neutral, They need to be reworked, everyone ive talked to about CSB has called them "A free place to minge" and its true. They get on to MRDM primarily the opposite side they main and then hop off.


Well-known Member
Jan 14, 2023
I am +supporting but only for the reason of getting the Afghanistan map back
=Neutral learning to -support
There are a lot of good points being made on both isles, but I am more swayed in the middle since I am more torn.

This faction provides a breeze of fresh air from time to time RP and IMO offer a welcoming break for the war-peace-war duopoly of MRP. It is focusing on player-based RP and encouraging specific RP scenarios that would not be possible in a based solely NATO-NWO scene.
In addition, no one wants to be implicated in their main character if they do something wrong or out of the ordinary, and it provides possibilities of some fun that would otherwise land them in hot water. Finally, this faction is an accumulation of many cries for the additional purpose to the standard Militia/PC, which, IMO, answers the shouts and the praises throughout.

I can see from a few of the concerns that the implementation of CSB was good to begin with, however, some complications surronding lack of proper RP and proper intergration which causes the idea to backslide to that of a war-time-war state similar to what happened before. This must be addressed and encourage some more RP with this opportunity.