Denied Removing the infantry rework

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: removing the rework of the infantry and revert back to old Infantry

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): More numbers of fresh players joining each regiment Beside old player's
not having grind to access those regiment especially Infantry regiments (ISAF/SHA) and they would be enable them to do tryouts for the fresh player's again

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: I believe it may be frowned upon By other player's.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
ever since this rework was implemented it started to slowly kill the server, we tried to train them, explain them of what have to do, take them out of base to build fobs, they wouldn't play anymore we had at least Hundreds of fresh players for the past month according to the infantry list for the past but alot of them never played again

Before this was implemented PVTs would choose a regiment to join and give them a tryout and the PVTs would start to continue to play the server from time to time because they feel they are apart of a Team that's what kept them playing
especially other NCOs would Consistently do it if they have nothing to do if they finished building fobs/ Trainings.
(Most of them Left and never played again after the update)
Rather than just immediately become part of ISAF/SHA which killed the tryout system for us.
It's better to revert back to the old infantry to let them chose what regiment they want to join.
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Jack G

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Feb 19, 2021

the rework gave some reason to play as a PVT before just instantly joining a regiment. Realistically, if the only downside that you see is that you don't have to do tryouts anymore AND that they can't instantly join whatever regiment (which they still can). The way in which it's done now, they're attached to SHA/ISAF so that they get to grips with the server through an induction which is basically just the recruitment process we did.. That's what they should be taken through in peacetime, rather than it for being their initiation into the regiment, it's more of an INDUCTION to the server. Don't be confused by the numbers, they were like that regardless of the Infantry update it just now shows us what infantry there are altogether rather than those that are on the server.

The ranks that they needed to get to join Special Forces and Police was Dropped. They don't lose their ranks as they get transferred into the regiments with the same ranks now.

The only negative I can see from this update is limitations and more experience towards the SF and Police which realistically isn't a 'negative' as per say, its more so a benefit as people should be flocking to join the SF as well as confusion to New Players.
Realistically, we need to just clarify to the trainees somehow that the route that they can take as well as how it works. Nothing in the trainee room was updated when the infantry update was released, I think there needs to be something to clarify.
Sep 15, 2023

The infantry rework brought in a more comfortable way of starting off in the server. It is also worth mentioning that the server is not "dying" because of it. The server is dying because of its questionable gameplay loop. I understand that the tryouts might be on the low but the rules can easily be adjusted to promote more of them.


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Jan 27, 2021
+/- Support its a good update but in some aspects it is not it need to be reviewed and then re implemented i think that is the best idea since it keeps PVT more active

Jack G

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Feb 19, 2021
AG and KGB failing miserably but RMP and SAS doing well isn’t something to do with the update evidently
The numbers dropping because of the update is also very false as its current players that dropped, personally I’ve found that retaining the new players is easier
Finally, it takes 1 day to get the rank needed to for SAS/AG and 0 days for RMP/KGB as they can be promoted on the same day as they transfer.

Putting the blame for shitty performances from 2x regiments entirely down to an update is kinda sad tbh.

Finally, I don’t see what this whole ideology of that AG/SAS doesn’t have millions of people in OMG, if people don’t want to play for One even TWO days then you how can you justify them joining a regiment that’s meant to have special standards, much like for the policing regiments? If there was a cap, people would want to join it for exclusivity, plus gives the excuse to give them ‘better weapons’ or equipment. Removing the update outright is a stupid idea ngl but reworking it as someone said isn’t terrible
Jul 16, 2023
didnt think i'd agree with core but if i was a private and wanted to join 10th/17th but had to wait a few days before i can actually join the regiment i want i just wouldn't bother, may aswell just keep it simple.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): More numbers of fresh players joining each regiment Beside old player's
not having grind to access those regiment especially Infantry regiments (ISAF/SHA) and they would be enable them to do tryouts for the fresh player's again

I wish to point out that whenever a new player join the server joins the server, they are technically a NATO PVT, but they are also apart of ISAF. What people seem to misunderstand is that "oh they don't have ISAF in their name, therefore they are not apart of my regiment and they need to be LCPL to join ISAF/SHA, but they are already apart of your regiment (technically).
Ok be fair with me jack G

I spent hours on end and days in the TRN room.

I trained them and then meet them at the infantry spawn help them with their weapon attachment outside helipads and took the PVTs outside base to show the FOBs and build them and explained to them the ranking system and cooldowns even showed them the cool stuff that each regiment gets and even made it appealing For them.

I did what I was told to do.

most of them up and left, hell a lot of them never go past PFC or LCPL pretty much go check it for yourself.
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Sep 15, 2023
Ok be fair with me jack G

I spent hours on end and days in the TRN room.

I trained them and then meet them at the infantry spawn help them with their weapon attachment outside helipads and took the PVTs outside base to show the FOBs and build them and explained to them the ranking system and cooldowns even showed them the cool stuff that each regiment gets and even made it appealing For them.

I did what I was told to do.

most of them up and left, hell a lot of them never go past PFC or LCPL pretty much go check it for yourself.
Didn't this always exist even before the infantry rework. This isn't a infantry reworks problem this is moreso a fundamental server issue of it having poor player retention qualities.
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Suggestion Denied

Hi CORE, Your suggestion has been denied.

The infantry rework is still a WIP, we are always looking to improve the system so any feedback is appreciated. Somethings we are looking to do/have already done is changing the regiments name to 'isaf/sha enlisted' to make it more clear that they are apart of that regiment. On top of that we have already reduced the rank you need to be to join SF regiments.

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​
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